(last updated: 6th November 2021)


Robert Carter, PhD - Marine biologist and expert on genetics speaking at an interview:
He was asked, 'when people talk about Evolution, what is it?'
This is his reply:
'The word means change over time.
But I believe in change over time, however I'm not an evolutionist.
So how does one figure this out?
Evolution is a belief that enough change over enough time can lead to the common ancestry of all species on Earth.
That's the part I reject.
Of course species change over time.
When God created He put the ability to change, to adapt, into organisms.
They respond dynamically to the environment but they do not become different kinds, sharks remain sharks, dogs remain dogs, etc., and the fossil record bears this out'.

Dr Robert Carter discusses the Ethical Dilemma of Genetic Engineering

Genesis 1:24
And God said, 'Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind.' And it was so.

Todd Wood, PhD - Director of the Center for Origins Research and Associate Professor of Science at Bryan College (Dayton, TN):
All created kinds that emanated from the ark had the inbuilt ability to adapt. For example there only needed to be a pair of animals of the cat kind in the ark to produce over time the diversity of members of the cat family that we see on Earth today. This ability to be able to adapt to environmental and other pressures was built into the design of all life forms at the outset. God designed the genomes of His created kinds with the ability to diversify. (genome: the complete set of genetic information, or DNA, an organism requires to enable it to function). All the different varieties of dog that are available today produced by selective breeding are still recognisable as dogs.
Selective breeding takes place over many generations. Choose the best offspring with the desired characteristics to produce the next generation. Repeat the process continuously over many generations, until all offspring show the desired characteristics.
Selective breeding provides conclusive evidence of the ability of living organisms to change over relatively short periods of time and appear outwardly different whilst still retaining the recognisable behaviour patterns and body plans of the created kind from which they originated. Those conducting selective breeding are merely exploiting this capability to produce dogs with desirable traits. Once a dog always a dog. None of these changes that account for the diversity of life on Earth has anything to do with random mutations followed by natural selection acting over long ages, the mechanism proposed by Charles Darwin's back in the 19th century that is still held in high esteem by many today. See Todd Wood's contribution to 'Is Genesis History' YouTube video (go to our 'Hints and benefits' drop down menu) for a more detailed explanation - starting time: 1:12:40

Dr Lee Spetner - revealing information in his book, 'NOT BY CHANCE' published in late 1990's:
'The capacity to adapt to a variety of environmments is built into the organism. The environment induces the expression of this capacity. Cues from the environment combine with the information in the genes to develop the form of the organism. In making this suggestion, I have drawn from ideas put forward by several biologists who hold that evolution cannot be built on randomness.'

Randomness is the driving force behind Darwinian Evolution so this revelation leaves the theory foundering. His book goes on to explain the fallacies inherent with the theory in great detail and highlights the fact that random variations can account for only a limited class of small changes. There is no evidence that random mutations and natural selection played any role in the origin of any of the major groups of organisms.

What does Stephen C. Meyer (University of Cambridge (MPhil, PhD)) the current director of the Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture in Seattle, former geophysicist and college professor, and author of several books on the subject have to say? 'So we accept evolution as a real process that produces minor variations but not major innovations.'

Statement from Moorlands Theological College, Dorset: "Don't make the mistake of thinking the reason why we should reject Darwinism is simply because the Bible opposes it. It's science itself which opposes the Darwinian view that the glorious beauty and complexity of life could appear by itself. It is because science opposes Darwinism that we should be very wary of the popular scientific myths in the media: strong, observational science confirms our need for God as the creator of life."

This web site is built on the premise that the universe and living organisms originate from specific acts of Divine Creation rather than by naturalistic processes such as evolution, and what follows is a justification of that position. This is broadly in line with Biblical Creationism, the prevailing view by humanity before Darwinian Evolution came on the scene back in the middle 1800's. It also accords with the opening paragraph of the Apostles Creed that Church congregations are asked to make a commitment to each week in Church services ('I believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth').
We are confident in our assertions because they are based on the findings of recent scientific research in molecular biology. This on-going research has revealed that all living organisms are the product of Intelligent Design and its implementation. By contrast the alternative theory of Darwinian Evolution is based on pure conjecture because human beings with scientific acumen were not around at the time to observe the process in action that the adherents claim resulted in the emergence over billions of years of the many life forms that are visible on Earth today. We are not on the other hand arguing specifically for the 7 day period of Creation, or the age of the Earth based on Biblical chronology, for example, because there is no verifiable scientific evidence to support these Bible accounts. Such considerations are largely outside the scope of this web site and are standalone arguments that require acts of faith that have no direct bearing on the veracity of the theory of Intelligent Design (ID). At this point you may decide that you have detected a chink in our armour. We appear to be cherry picking the Bible as society is wont to do, by agreeing that God created life just as He said He did in Genesis yet disputing the 7 day period of Creation associated with it. We wish to make it clear that we are not disputing God's word at all. We firmly believe in what is stated but there is a difference between an act of faith (the 7 days) and a statement of scientific fact (the act of creation itself). Given that God created life in all its complexity, how long it took is a relatively minor detail. Our website argues its case based only on firm evidence from recent scientific discoveries and we do not wish to depart from that principle. Our conclusion therefore is that life came into existence via the creative powers of a supreme intellect, there being no other plausible explanation. We reject the unsustainable notion that the hugely complex design in nature brought to light in recent years through research in molecular biology is an illusion, that the design is apparent rather than real. The argument that the design is an illusion is tantamount to claiming that the motor car parked on your drive was not designed and then manufactured but miraculously somehow assembled itself from non-existent parts, over a period of billions of years. This simple illustration, however, grossly understates our case because the design of a single living cell of which there are some 30 trillion in the human body is hugely more complex than anything man will ever be able to design and manufacture.

Yet more evidence (see Psalm 19:1-4), not that it is needed, that we have a Great and Mighty God whose powers far surpass anything mankind will ever be able to accomplish. How kind of Him to endow us with sufficient mental acuity to be able to uncover the Universes fundamental operating parameters and then to understand their significance mathematically. In return of course we are now busily striving in the usual time-honoured fashion to rule Him out of the equation, thereby eliminating Him from the scene completely:

The fine tuning of the Universe

More evidence of design in nature and a young Earth:

Dinosaurs Refute Millions of Years

God the Creator of all things both great and small

Evolution's Achilles Heels

The Bible contains an amazing wealth of knowledge, explained in simple terms that people everywhere are able to understand. An example is Psalm 102:12,25,26 reiterated in Hebrews 1:10,11 by Saint Paul:

But thou, O LORD, shalt endure for ever; and thy remembrance unto all generations.
In the beginning you laid the foundations of the earth,
and the heavens are the work of your hands.
They will perish, but you remain;
they will all wear out like a garment.
Like clothing you will change them
and they will be discarded.

We now know that the Universe is indeed slowly dying. This is in tune with The 2nd law of thermodynamics discovered around 1850 confirming that the Universe is irrevocably set to decline. Entropy is the degree of disorder or randomness in a system. The amount of disorder is inexorably increasing with time according to the 2nd law, and there is nothing we can do to stop it in the long run. The direction of travel is one way only, and this principle applies to everything in the entire Universe. Order is little by little unraveling although it is not obvious to the eye, or easy to detect. The slow decline of the genomes of all living organisms including our own, as explained in a following section, reveals a similar fate, and again it is not readily apparent. Every star will die, including of course our sun billions of years from now if current estimates are to be believed, nearly all matter will decay, and eventually all that will be left is a sparse soup of particles and radiation. In this "Big Freeze", the Universe ends up uniformly cold, dead and empty.
The psalmist appeared to be relaying this to mankind thousands of years before the truth of it was discovered by scientists! Only God is eternal, not mass-energy currently understood to be the fundamental building block of our Universe!

Arguments for real rather than apparent design from 'Answers in Genesis (AIG)

Creatures Do Change But It's Not Evolution by Dr. Don Batten

God of Wonders for those searching for the truth without having to read the science

Creation Calls (Brian Doerksen)

Centre for Intelligent Design

What does Billy Graham have to say about origins?

The many issues outlined below need to be addressed because of the intransigence of atheists and secular humanists in refusing to even consider ID as a possible valid explanation for life's origin. They are consciously or subconsciously employing diversionary tactics in an attempt to deflect attention away from the key issue, which is whether the design clearly seen in nature in laboratories, and acknowledged by everyone in the field is real, or imaginary, because if it is real then life emerged through an act of creation by the Christian God, or some other supreme entity, rather than by naturalistic Darwinian processes, and their cause will be lost. These clutching at straws just-so stories (multiverses in case billions of years is not enough time, panspermia to account for the arrival of life, etc.) will ultimately lead nowhere as they are merely adding yet more unknowables to the current large mix of existing unknowables. Such obfuscating figments of imagination are imposed on the scientific community by evolutionists who are desperately trying to prop up their failing theory.
If anyone still needs convincing that living organisms are the product of intelligent design, an incredible feat of engineering attribitable to the God of the Christian Bible, but wishes to avoid delving more deeply into the science take a look at the following video. This reveals the complexity of the operations taking place continuously in each one of our bodies cells, and in the cells of all living creatures, at the nanomolecular level. To put these animations into perspective, a typical cell would be one tenth of a millimeter in diameter, the nucleus within the cell approximately one hundredth of a millimeter in diameter, and the size of an unravelled strand of DNA within the nucleus is of the order of 2 nanometers (2 X 1 millionth of a millimeter). The human body is filled with nanomachines in each and every cell that carry out the functions necessary to sustain life, arguably making up most of its mass:

Miraculous activity within all living cells

If you still wish to follow the science and also read about some of the horrors that have stemmed from belief in the theory of evolution be our guest. The following are links to pages that give an overview of the many arguments available based mainly on recent scientific research that rule out any possibility that life on Earth came about as a result of Neo-Darwinian Evolution acting over long ages.

Click to select a topic:

Behe's Research conclusion with evidence from other scientists working in the field

The evidence against Darwin's theory as an explanation for the origin of life

The dogma of Darwin's Theory

Following the science

Is Evolution science?

Position of the Churches

Age of Earth considerations

Our primary aim

The consequence of adopting Darwin's Theory

Concluding remarks