IS EVOLUTION SCIENCE? Simply stated, evolution is not science. It is only a theory, embedded into the philosophy of naturalism. Science didn’t begin with Darwin, which may be surprising to some evolutionists. Creationists had been thinking scientifically about origins before Darwin came out with the Origin of Species. In fact, it was a creation scientist, Edward Blyth, who discussed the idea of natural selection in his own day as a contemporary of Darwin. Science involves demonstration, and not just imagination. Universal common descent (all extant (still in existance) terrestrial organisms share a common genetic heritage, each being the genealogical descendant of a single species from the distant past) cannot be demonstrated, much less experimentally repeated, since it deals with events in the past that we don’t have direct access to. Evolution is historical science because it deals with the past and is therefore not directly observable, testable or repeatable. For this reason it does not deserve to be called science at all. It is a kind of alternative religion because it requires acts of faith due to its reliance on dreamt up explanations for lifes origins that do not stand up to rigorous scrutiny. As opposed to this, we must stress that creationism is a valid scientific approach to origins. Note that creation science does not study the hand of God at work during creation for obvious reasons, rather it is a science that studies the handiwork of God’s created universe in an attempt to explain, understand and utilise it for the benefit of future generations (gene therapy for example). There are at least hundreds of scientists who are literal, young earth, biblical creationists (though many are forced to keep silent in order to retain their jobs). You will by now have gathered, based on our arguments above and statements on other pages, that we have come to fully accept the position set by the ID movement that there is intelligent design in nature, and the good news is that it reinforces the traditional understanding that life came about as an act of creation by an Almighty God. The ID community of scientists do not generally dispute this obvious conclusion but rightly insist that their discoveries are not informed, or influenced in any way, by the Genesis account in the Bible.
This illustration conveys how information reliably points to design far more easily than deconstructing all of the junk science floating around the Internet claiming that natural processes can generate large quantities of information for free
Convincing evidence for Design from Evolution News