OUR PRIMARY AIM Our primary concern is to convince the reader that all life on earth came about as an act of creation by an Almighty God, in accordance with scripture and fully in line with the passionately held belief of all previous generations prior to 1859. (the date Darwin Published "The Origin of Species"). We are sure you will agree that this belief is so much more appealing and believable than the alternative of seeing yourself as having originated as so much pond scum billions of years ago, just so that modern man can claim to have solved the mystery of life, when he/she has done no such thing, and dispense with God and the Bible in the process. Belief in Biblical history and the Genesis account of creation must surely follow once this deception (that Darwin's theory accounts for the rich and varied life forms that we see on Earth today all the way back to the first single living cell) is cleared away and people can then start to feel good about themselves again. You may notice that there are links to a few organisations on our pages that do not necessarily support the notion of a young Earth (The Discovery Institutes excellent blog 'Evolution News & Science Today' for example). They do however report the latest news on research into molecular biology and promote a rigorously God-centred view of creation. If you are still not convinced that the answer lies in intelligent design look no further than the work of Marcos Eberlin a superstar Brazilian chemist. His latest book 'Foresight' carries endorsements not just from one Nobel Prize-winning scientist. No, not just two either, but three. They are Sir John B. Gurdon (Physiology or Medicine, 2012), Gerhard Ertl (Chemistry, 2007), and Brian D. Josephson (Physics, 1973). His book explains how the chemistry of life reveals 'planning and purpose' on an extraordinary scale with attention paid to the smallest detail. Life could not exist on Earth unless a super intelligent mind planned and executed it all at the outset. Everywhere you look there is evidence of fine tuning without which life could not exist as we know it. Eberlin 'cuts to the chase', and took great pains in writing his book to ensure the layman could understand his arguments at each stage. It is an indisputable fact that information is always the product of a mind, and we know whose mind that is!
In Foresight: How the Chemistry of Life Reveals Planning and Purpose, learn about jumping insects with real gears, and the ingenious technology behind a power-punching shrimp.
The book Foresight
The Origins of Life: An Evangelical Baptist View by R. Albert Mohler, President of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Statement by Al Franklin for The General Association of Regular Baptist Churches (GARBC)
Convincing evidence for Design from Evolution News