So why have we continued to develop this web resource given the widespread apathy it is continuing to generate?


Unwavering determination to help right a wrong that was inflicted on God the Father, Jesus His son who was also there from the very beginning, and on society, by Charles Darwin and other like minded individuals who set out to feather their own nests, and discredit the Bible, back in the 19th century only for the cause to be taken up and propagated by atheist leaning scientists and others into this century.


'The Creator' is God's defining role. Evolution is an invention of man which serves to diminish Him and ultimately dispense with Him altogether! So His pinnacle of Creation concocts ideas that serve to deny His very existence, how audacious is that? Rather than set in motion a World wide flood again He can sit back and watch us destroy ourselves because we now have at our disposal numerous alternative and ingenious ways of doing so, either by neglecting the planet or by indulging in acts of aggression towards our adversaries with unpredictable consequences. We need to wake up to the potential repurcussions of pursuing the warped ideology of God denying Evolution that will set mankind and the rest of Creation on a path to decline and ultimate oblivion.


To dispel the myth, the deception extraordinary, that evolutionary mechanisms operating over billions of years account for life in all its complexity.


To bring renewed hope to mankind on the basis that Creationism is far more appealing, uplifting and believable than purposeless evolutionism with its myriad of largely unforeseable and highly damaging influences.


To give honour and credit to our ancestors who throughout time believed the Bible account of origins.


People everywhere need to believe they exist for a purpose, that they are not just here today and gone tomorrow, ultimately as valueless as a grain of sand on a seashore. This feeling of worthlessness that stems from the outdated Theory of Evolution, however it is dressed up, is understandably fueling many of the problems that are prevalent in society today.


To try to turn around the tide of unbelief that is sweeping society in our age. A reset is long overdue, and this can only be achieved if we place our faith in God once more as our Creator, and acknowledge the limitations of mankind.


To enable people everywhere to judge the stunning revelations that emanate from ID research for themselves rather than having to listen endlessly to the denigrating views of others with vested interests in evolution.


To place the Christian Church in the driving seat on this issue where it rightly belongs being in a unique position to help change minds.


We have taken it upon ourselves to try to help settle the contentious issue of how life originated on our planet by providing the latest evidence from research in molecular biology, not because we will benefit as an organisation in any way, on the contrary it has come at considerable cost, but in order to make a clear and unambiguous statement in support of the message from ID to the Church and to people everywhere.