Satan's greatest ever achievement?
(last updated: 15th April 2024)


Satan in action

Satan, also known as The Devil, is the personification of evil, the great deceiver and the nemesis of good people everywhere. But is he real or merely a figment of man's imagination? We contend that the evidence overwhelmingly supports the notion that Satan is very real and threatening. He operates in a variety of different ways all of which exploit in some way weaknesses he perceives in people. The evidence is all around and always has been! It should be acknowledged that one of Satan's greatest achievements of all time was leading the peoples of the Earth down the path of accepting that Darwinian Evolution accounted for the origin of all life on our planet. So stealthy has Satan been that there seems to be little or no current recognition of his achievement. Most theologians would probably disagree with our assertion that this state of affairs is connected with the activities of Satan. Well those individuals should think again! At a stroke Satan succeeded in dispensing with the need for a Creator in the normal sense of the word, God was triumphantly cast aside with man's connivance where He has increasingly resided in relative obscurity for the past 150 years, deprived of the adulation that was once afforded to Him which He so richly deserves. An obvious question that stems from this is, 'why doesn't God resolve the issue for us, as He could so easily do, and set the record straight?'. The answer is clear, 'it is not for God to correct our mistakes of the past, it is our responsibility to take the necessary steps. Until we do, nothing will change'. It is mankind throughout history that has always rightly suffered for the error of his ways. God must surely be very disappointed with mankind for conspiring with Satan to reject Him as the Creator of Life.

There is little sign that this sad situation will be reversed out any time soon. Church leaders in general tend to avoid raising the subject of Satan like the plague (with possible exception of the Catholic Church), much as they do the Genesis account of origins.

So what is being taught in schools:

Relationships and Sex Education to innocent children in our schools?

RSE - the facts

What the above two reports tell us is that once belief in God is abandoned, as is increasingly happening in western culture, the devil muscles in and takes over. The original good intentions of RSE is being increasingly highjacked by unscrupulous, self-serving, organisations such as Stonewall. They are attempting to further their own interests by offering materials to schools that promote their warped ideology, and draw ever more young people into abhorrent sexual practices. There should be a reintroduction of section 28 that banned discussion of gay matters in schools for the simple reason that, without it, teachers, whether they like it or not, are expected to discuss perverted sexual behaviour with children of all ages. This will inevitably have the effect of legitimizing such activity for many individuals. Gay teachers will delight in using it to help justify their own thoughts and actions with little regard for the damage it may do to innocent children. It is totally unacceptable to give teachers a free reign when delivering this area of the curriculum and allow them to use whatever materials they see fit. Whilst it is wrong to discriminate against gay leaning individuals in society it is even more wrong to set about promoting the unnatural, ungodly, behaviour that they adhere to. The opposite to what was intended by the introduction of RSE is increasingly happening and standards of morality are declining as a result.

Despite all of this you could argue that all is well because Jesus's reputation is still intact, but is it? By damaging God in the eyes of the people, Satan also damaged Jesus because Jesus and God are one. Of course Satan could not have achieved his ambition without enlisting an entire army of, willing, largely unsuspecting volunteers who are still very active today. Many of these agents of Satan may not realise who they are serving since there is general denial in the population that Satan even exists, or is a spiritual force to be reckoned with!

We underestimate Satan's evil powers of darkness, and his intellect that is superior to our own, at our peril. Unlike God who loves us, Satan despises mankind, studies our weaknesses and delights in exploiting them for his own evil purposes. The good news is that he can only advance his agenda if he can find willing associates, unfortunately they have proven not to be in short supply. We realise this is the kind of guidance that was once given to children in sunday schools. Sadly when we become adults we tend to dismiss wisdom of this kind thinking we know better, regarding it as little more than a Father Christmas story! Once there is acceptance that God the Creator exists there is no reason to not go one step further and accept the Bibles description of Satan the fallen one. Man's reluctance to even acknowledge Satan's existence is of course another one of his triumphs because it enables him to propogate evil undetected, and operate with impunity. We suffer the consequences of his actions, and he gets away scot-free.
How do we explain the predicament we are in? This is what Lewis Sperry Chafer a leading American theologian had to say in 1943:
'In each age, the science of its time has imposed its ever-shifting notions as to origins upon theology, and it has been the burden of theology in each age to rid itself of the ghosts of defunct philosophical and scientific opinions of a preceding age. . . . It is the conceit of man which contends that the divine account of the origin of things is true only so far as it conforms to the science of his own day.'
We contend that it is more than just following out-of-date, discredited science that is the route of the problem we are facing today. Satan saw his chance with the publication of Charles Darwin's book and grasped it with both hands. His band of willing workers has kept the myth vibrantly alive ever since. We have to rely on our religious leaders to acknowledge what has been taking place and deal with this unhappy state of affairs, courageously speak the truth to us, and take the long overdue step of leading us back to our once sure foundation.

Charles Pierre Baudelaire the renowned French poet declared, 'The Greatest Trick the Devil Ever Pulled Was Convincing the World He Didn't Exist'.

Satans influence in the age old conflict between Israel and Arabs:
Biblical history. 1960 B.C. Abraham (Abram) is Born:
Abraham + wife Sarah -> Isaac -> Israel,
Abraham + Egyptian concubine Haga -> Ishmael -> Arab World.

God's statement about the conflict that would follow: The conflict would be between Isaac and Ishmael. God said, "His (Ishmael's) hand will be against everyone, and everyone's hand in conflict with everyone, and consequently, everyone would react against him and his descendants."

What evidence do we have that abandoning faith in God can have terrible consequences? The book 'The Pianist' written by the pianist himself, Wladyslaw Szpilman, immediately after WW2 had ended about his horrendous experiences in the Warsaw Ghetto, the largest of the World War II Nazi ghettos leaves one in no doubt as to what the consequences can be. I won't go into details but there is no better example of Satan at work than the extremely evil events that took place here between 1940 and 1945. Extracts from the diary of Captain Wilm Hosenfeld, a decent German officer at the end of the book corroborate Szpilman's account by describing the evil acts that many Germans and others committed aginst the Jewish people in the Ghetto, and the fact that ordinary German citizens did nothing to stop it from happening. Wilm Hosenfeld also enabled Szpilman to survive by secretly providing him with food in the Ghetto. Hosenfeld risked his own life on many occasions to help save those whose lives were threatened during the German occupation. He was a remarkable individual and this was fully acknowledged after the war ended. He was shockingly and unjustly sentenced to 25 years hard labour by the Russians after the war and died in 1952 almost certainly due to injuries resulting from torture. By contrast Szpilman died in 2000 at the age of 89. The National Socialist Party under Hitler forbade German poople from practising their religion, the young were brought up godless, the Church was opposed and its property appropriated. Hosenfeld goes on to say, 'God allows all this to happen, lets these forces have power and allows so many innocent people to perish to show mankind that without Him we are only animals in conflict'. Sadly mankind tends not to learn from its past errors of judgement, in this case allowing the Nazi Party to take control of Germany.
Paul Roland in his excellent book 'Life under Nazi occupation' sums up the situation in Germany leading up to, and during, WW2 as follows:
'Hitlers Germany was a gangster state that attracted the criminal and corrupt, the bitter failures and the incompetent, as well as the highly educated and intelligent, who saw in it the means by which they could exercise influence and enrich themselves at the expense of others.'
The notion that something like this could never happen again is misplaced. Large scale wicked deeds are being committed right now by Governments in various parts of the World causing extreme human suffering. Only intervention by God can put an end to them and we know this will happen one day.

Wladyslaw Szpilman after the war                                             Wilm Hosenfeld in 1944

Still not convinced of mankind's propensity to commit horrendous crimes against humanity in certain situations? Read the following article about the Balkan wars and Ottoman atrocities that took place in Bulgaria back in the mid-eighteen hundreds:

Turkish Atrocities in Bulgaria

So how did Germany under Hitler justify attempts to annihilate the Jews during WW2? They promulgated the notion that the Jews were an inferior race unlike the Aryan race which was supposedly superior and therefore should take over civilisation by annihilating non-aryans. So they ramped up the Pogrom (massacring or expelling an ethnic or religious group, particularly Jews.) that had already festered in parts of Russia and Eastern Europe previously. The notion that Jewish people were members of an inferior race was in fact the opposite of the truth and Hitler may have suspected it. Even if he didn't, his actions and those of many of his fellow countrymen, the so called 'master race', amounted to extreme evil:
Recent extract from The Jewish Chronicle stating a true scientific fact:
"There is no greater accolade for scientific achievement than the Nobel Prize. Awarded to almost 1,000 people and organisations since 1901, this year's prizes will be awarded tomorrow, as always, in Stockholm. One of the most remarkable Nobel statistics is that 22 per cent of winners have been Jewish, despite our people comprising less than 0.2 per cent of the world's population. In other words, Jewish Nobel laureates number at least 11,250 per cent above average."
We should be full of admiration for the Jewish people and what they have achieved helping human civilisation advance. The Germans in WW2 were well aware of the superior intellect of the jews in comparison to other races they encountered. It was however a loosing battle because they had virtually no resources with which to fight back, and little food to sustain them due to their squalid existence in the ghettos. We need to thank God for Creating what might be described as a superior race of people and give them all the help they need to establish a secure Country for future generations to live in so that the pogroms of the past can never be repeated.

Finally, whilst the work of Satan is a plausible explanation for the continued public acceptance of naturalism as the best explanation for the emergence of life on our planet we cannot offer proof of his involvement in the way that research in molecular biology articulated on our other pages provides proof of intelligent design in nature. One is largely conjecture based on our knowledge and understanding that the aims of Satan are diametrically opposed to God's aims, whilst evidence for the other is rock solid.
We rest our case.

CHALLENGE TO CHURCHES: Churches can converse with us if they wish via our web email address if they can put forward a coherent alternative explanation for man's willing acceptance of Darwin's God demeaning theory: