Question and answer page
(last updated: 14th April 2024)


All of the issues below are covered in detail on our other pages using links to articles from experts in their field plus summaries that we have provided.

Q10: What makes you so sure that God created all life on the planet including Adam and Eve?


A: Scientists conducting research in disciplines associated with molecular biology have now discovered enormous complexity within all living cells. The only way to make any sense of this is to acknowledge that all living organisms both great and small were designed for a purpose by a being with a supreme intellect. Adam and Eve were the pinnacle of that achievement. Darwin did not have the slightest inkling of this complexity and his theory would never have been put forward as an explanation for the origin of life if he was in possession of it at the time. We should be eternally grateful to God for opening our eyes to the truth of scripture at this time in our history, leaving no further room for doubting His word.


Q9: Does Creationism therefore have a future in your opinion?


A: Most certainly! It is now only a matter of a relatively short period of time before Creationism becomes the name of the game once more, only this time it will be for good. Yes, it will be challenged by atheists and other like-minded individuals for a while but their arguments will be increasingly seen as futile, they will be fighting a losing battle that will be obvious for all to see.


Q8: How important is it in your view that the Church takes action to alert congregations to the Genesis upholding message from ID?


A: People have been left for over a century and a half wondering whether or not to believe the Genesis account of Creation. Now that clarity has been brought to the situation the Church should act ASAP to set the record straight.


Q7: Did the Noah flood take place and was it a worldwide event?


A: There is a considerable body of evidence available today to support the Noah flood account. This website has several links that go into detail on the topic.


Q6: Was the World as we know it created in the 6 days of Creation in accordance with Genesis?


A: We believe it was but this is down to an act of faith.


Q5: Is the World only a few thousand years old?


A: One of the main reasons for believing it is billions of years old is to lend support to Darwin's discredited theory. There is a growing body of evidence, arrived at by reputable geologists and palaeontologist working in the field, that the Earth is in fact young. What little evidence remains to support the notion of an old Earth, including use of totally unreliable and misleading radiometric dating methods is beginning to signal the demise of this out-dated theory. We have also been led to believe that dinosaurs were around 66 million years ago supporting the notion of an old Earth yet soft and stretchy blood vessels, intact cells, animal protein, and even DNA have been found in their bones. This strongly suggests that dinosaurs were on the Earth in relatively recent times further casting doubt on the notion of an old Earth. See the following YouTube video to hear experts discussing the issue:

Podcast discussing evidence for a young Earth


Q4: Why do most people still believe that life came about through evolutionary mechanisms along the lines proposed by Charles Darwin back in the 1800's?


A: Mainly because the media along with most of the Universities and the literature associated with them propagate this viewpoint. Their materialistic World view hinges on the belief that the Universe and all life contained within it came into being through naturalistic processes (natural laws and forces) acting over long ages. It rules out the need for a Creator and therefore dispenses with God altogether.

See, speak, or hear no evidence against evolution seems to be the golden rule in the academic world

Where is the scientific evidence for the ape-to-man transition?

Five things you may not know about Eve


Q3: Why do most theological colleges teach Theistic Evolution rather than Creationism to aspiring members of the clergy?


A: To appear trendy and to avoid controversy. Generations of Theology College lecturers during their studies at University are brainwashed into accepting an evolution based understanding of the Universe in which they live, so why question it when they leave and take up office. They are then expected to inculcate those training to be members of the clergy with their warped thinking on the subject of origins. The college student journey is not helped by unrelenting pressure from secular society to conform to a materialistic worldview and any attempts to promote alternatives that depend on God, to any degree, are likely to be met with sustained opposition, even ridicule from many of those around them.


Q2: Is Eternal Life on offer to Christians who nevertheless reject the Bible account of the part played by God in Creation?


A: This decision is of course one for Almighty God. We would however caution against assuming such a privilege would be automatically afforded to people who reject His word clearly stated in the Bible. This also amounts to a rejection of the spoken word of Jesus His son who, on numerous occasions, affirmed what was written in the Old Testament during His time of ministry on Earth.


Q1: Why do some people believe there is no God?


A: Because they have been indoctrinated by society into believing that life came about over billions of years via evolutionary processes. If God didn't create anything there is nothing special about him so He probably doesn't exist.


Q0: Did World famous English physicist Sir Isaac Newton (1642 - 1727) believe in Intelligent Design linked to a higher authority (God)?


A: This is what he said in his General Scholium to the Principia (his highly renowned treatise on the laws of motion that hold to this day): 'Though these bodies may indeed continue in their orbits by the mere laws of gravity, yet they could by no means have at first derived the regular position of the orbits themselves from those laws. Thus, this most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the council and dominion of an intelligent and powerful being.'

Q -1: So what does synthetic organic chemist Professor James Tour have to say about what goes on inside living cells ( James Tour credentials: American chemist and nanotechnologist. He is a Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Materials Science and Nanoengineering at Rice University in Houston, Texas.):

A: "How complex is a simple cell? Every year we understand more about the complexity. We are more befuddled now than we were in 1952. The cell is a highly complex environment, so when a cell wants to move material from point A to point B it operates like a factory. In a factory you see overhead carriers carrying machine parts from point A to point B. Thats exactly what happens in a cell. A microtubule will form between point A and point B and then materials will be transferred across. Then what happens is that the microtubule is dissolved, then a new one is reconstructed somewhere else in the cell in order for other materials to be transferred between another two points. Why does the cell remove a microtubule it no longer needs? Because it would rapidly run out of space and the raw materials (building blocks) to build more microtubules. So the cell has the ability to morph the structure of its factory on-the-fly."

Our comments: Wow! There are around 30 trillion cells, and 200 different types in the human body all doing different things on demand, communicating with one another using chemical messengers as necessary to switch processes on and off at the molecular level, without us having the slightest inkling of what is taking place. All of this takes place ceaselessly, and automatically, just to keep us alive! How mind-blowing is that?
Indisputable scientific evidence available today provides cast iron evidence that life was designed by a supreme intellect and it is foolish to think otherwise. Paul knew the truth without the benefit of science, and expressed this in Romans:

Romans 1:18-22
God's Wrath Against Sinful Humanity:
18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness,
19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.
20 For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities, His eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.
22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools.

Who created God?

Like many of us you may be wondering what the Churches true position is on the subject of Creation. Well, there isn't one. There are as many different opinions on the subject as there are leaders within the Church and the attitude seems to be that it doesn't really matter what doctrine an individual chooses to accept. This is a similar position to the Catholic Church. Ambivalence seems to hold sway across most mainsteam denominations, and given one of the main roles of the Church should be to encourage belief in God this is a sad and sorry state of affairs, and accounts for declining Church attendance. The evidence for this is revealed by an investigation carried out in 2004/2005 by George Jelliss of the Leicester Secular Society to try to discover what Church of England leaders actually believed. Judging by the response to our website little has changed since then:

The C of E and Creationism


The way forward.


Judging by what has been said and revealed on this page and elsewhere on the site the situation the C of E and other denominations find themselves in is not a happy one. The good news is that there is a simple solution to the problem. The Church needs to return to its roots and except the Christian Bible as a reliable source of information provided by God to guide and inform us all throughout our lives. Some churches are realising this is the way forward and to their great credit are picking up the baton. However, atheists and like minded individuals have succeeded in undermining The Faith and will continue to do so because they are in thrall to the notion of materialism, an alternative religion that makes no call on their life styles. Today, through discoveries in science we have proof of a higher authority, of the existence of God. Unfortunately this proof is not widely known and many in the Church seem reluctant to share the good news with parishioners. Perhaps many leaders in the Church are unaware of these discoveries and their implications, and those who are aware are fearful of speaking out?

The origin of life is about as good as it gets in terms of scientific 'proof' for the existence of God


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