What evidence do we have that each and everyone of us are highly valued by God:
'God sacrificed His one and only Son, Jesus, on the Cross at Calvary for one and only one reason according to scripture, namely,
to henceforth provide every human being on the planet with the opportunity to join Him and His Angels for eternity in the Heavenly Realm
once his or her Earthly life has ceased'.
What stronger evidence can there be
that God regards each and every person as special and worthy of salvation.
This despite the wars that have raged throughout human history revealing that some of us have little regard for the lives of others.
Where does this warlike nature originate from? Surely it is further evidence of our rebellion against God's ideal plan for our lives.
One wonders why He does not regard us as a lost cause and simply abandon us?
Here is an exchange that took place between psychopath Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden in Moscow in 2021:
Biden said at one point to Putin, 'you are just a killer'
Putin replied, 'you understand me well'
Despite this Putin tries to give the impression that he is a religious man and appears to have cultivated a strong, personal, relationship with
Patriarch Kirill, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC).
He and Putin have long been close allies. Kirill once described the first 12 years of Putin's rule as "a miracle of God." Putin knows how to get
the Russian people on side and believes his connection with the Church lends an air of legitimacy to his murderous activities across the Globe.
The ROC has arguably become a paid apparatus of the State:
In 2012- 2015 alone, the ROC and its associated structures received 14 billion rubles ($189.2 million) from the Russian state.
Extracts from a 2022 article in the Los Angeles Times:
For weeks, religious leaders around the globe had been begging the bearded patriarch to speak out against the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
But in weekly sermons that air live on Russian TV, Kirill, 75, has done just the opposite, painting the war as an apocalyptic battle against evil
forces that have sought to destroy the God-given unity of Holy Russia.
In a country where more than 71% of people identify as Russian Orthodox, Kirill is a powerful religious and political figure who has consistently
refused to acknowledge the destruction, dislocation and growing death toll of the war in his frequent public statements.
"He lives in a parallel universe," said UC Riverside professor Georg Michels, who specializes in Russian and Ukrainian history.
"He describes the current situation in Ukraine as Russians defending against a foreign invasion, not as Ukrainians fighting for democracy,
and their lives, against a Russian autocracy."
Isn't it amazing how money can warp minds even those of religious leaders!
When one considers the many thousands of people that have been slaughtered in various Countries at Putin's hands in recent years, and the thousands of loyal
Russian soldiers carrying out his orders, many of whom have fallen in the act, one cannot help but notice the inexplicable extreme disparity between the
motives and aspirations of 'The Maker' and many of those He made.
Even past leaders in Britain have regarded soldiers as mere cannon fodder especially during WW1. They were seen as disposable or expendable. This is
in stark contrast with how God sees us.
Narendra Damodardas Modi the current Prime Minister of India does little to discourage marginalisation and victimisation of non-Hindus in his Country,
to the extent that many Christian Churches are being burned to the ground and non-Hindus threatened with ostracization.
The British colonial policy towards the indigenous people of Tasmania in the first part of the 19th century amounted to ethnic cleansing,
a part of its history that Britain still hasn't confronted:
Tom Lawson's book, "The Last Man: A British Genocide in Tasmania" explains it all
Of course the experts on ethnic cleansing were the Nazi's. It wouldn't be fair to not give him (Hitler the greatest ethnic cleanser of all time) a mention.
One of the best sources of Nazi history is the book by Paul Roland: "Life under Nazi Occupation. The struggle to survive during World War 2"
Paul Roland's book goes into shocking detail about the atrocities committed by the Germans and many other collaborating
European countries, such as Hungary, in rounding up the Jews and others regarded as inferior races sending them on to their deaths in the concentration camps
One is reminded of: "Man's Inhumanity to Man" by Robert Burns explores the harsh realities of cruelty and indifference in human nature. The poem
highlights the profound impact of such actions on human suffering. Animals on the other hand dispatch their prey swiftly and proportionately in order to
satisfy a need for food. Animals do not kill for pure enjoyment, or malice, or to witness suffering of their victims!
Clearly the above leaders and many like them believe there is no God therefore they can operate with impunity, without fear of repercussions!
They are in for a terrible shock at their life's end!
History shows that whenever a Country falls into the trap of handing absolute power and authority over to a dictator life for its citizens invariably takes a
severe turn for the worse, and there is no escape from it! Dictators are only interested in feathering their own nest and boosting their own image and self-esteem.
God's rules are dispensed with altogether in such societies unless the dictator can despicably use some of them in the short term to lever an advantage for
him or her self. Man rules the roost and God is abandoned.
The Theory of Evolution in all its many guises has led society to increasingly regard people who achieve great things as God like creatures, a substitute for
the revered God of past generations, and this trend is relentlessly set to continue. Those valiantly attempting to reverse the trend and set the record
straight are facing a difficult challenge because their arguments are based on scientific discoveries in biology made in recent years, and not everyone is
able to appreciate their significance or have the time to read about them.
Also, sadly, some Countries are governed by evil leaders and it is very difficult for the populace to dislodge them. Their only hope is to abandon their
Country of birth and seek out a new life where they will be valued as God's children. There is nothing new in this; human migration has ocurred throughout
history due to the failure within societies to honour God's word, and operate in accordance with His rules of engagement!
By contrast, Britain along with other Countries in the Western World welcomes people from all walks of life, religions, etc. There is no discrimination at all,
no wonder we are seeing such an influx of people wishing to come and live here with us! Despite our generosity there is no evidence that the beneficiaries
are adopting the official religion of our Country. This is perhaps not surprising given that most members
of the indigenous population have no affiliation to it either! This may be a factor in their choice of Britain - no obligation to adopt the Nations
religion! A stark contrast with the situation in the Countries many are emanating from where there is no choice but to sign up to the dominant
(usually only one) religion.
The majority of immigrants, legal or otherwise, are muslim or have no faith at all, few are
practicing Christians. In essence most are economic migrants caring little about the religion still practiced to a degree in the Country they have come to
One might conclude from this overall indifference that we are not threatened by immigrants with non-Christian views. The following statement from
Hassan Nasrallah, fortunately now dead, might give pause for thought. The leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, said in a speech last year (2023):
"Lebanon was a Christian country, but we took it and now it's ours. After we kill all the Jews in Palestine, we will just have begun. We won't stop until
every country on Earth is ruled by the law of Allah and the people of Islam, like our prophet promised."
Should this concern us? Government and societal complacency towards potential enemies has led to many wars in the past. Let us hope the World sees
no more likes of Hassan Nasrallah in the future! Fortunately many muslims especially from the Sunni community despised him.
Further evidence for the corruption that threatens Christianity and people in many places across the Globe:
Countries highlighted in the report below: Afghanistan, Nigeria, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, India, Myanmar, Eritrea, China, parts of the Middle East. Political
corruption is far wider than this of course, but this gives us a snapshot of just how widespread and endemic state sponsored corruption is in many areas
of the World. The fact that it targets Christians is proof, if any were needed, that Christianity is the one religion that opposes wickedness by
encouraging goodness and selfless behaviour in people, so they see it as a threat to their selfish and ungodly life style. At best Christians in many
Countries, especially those listed above are marginalised, at worst often killed en masse for their belief.
Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power for private gain, typically involving bribery and is a widespread evil present to some degree in all societies.
No wonder people want to join us given the
state of depravity in many of the Countries they originate from:
A truly shocking report. Allowing foreign nationals of unknown background and origin into our Country should be of great concern to us all
From 'The Times of India'
'Humans Have Become Disposable
Ankit Puri
Feb 25, 2023
"As I look around at the world today, I can't help but feel a deep sense of sadness and despair. It seems as though humans have become disposable,
treated as nothing more than mere objects that can be used and discarded at will. Everywhere I turn, I see evidence of this tragic reality: in our
relationships, our work environments, and our treatment of one another. In our relationships, we have become so accustomed to temporary connections
and fleeting pleasures that we have lost sight of the beauty and value of true human connection. We swipe left and right on dating apps, treating
potential partners as mere commodities to be judged and evaluated based on their physical appearance and surface-level characteristics. We ghost
and block people who don't meet our immediate needs or expectations, without any regard for their feelings or humanity. We prioritize our own
desires and needs over those of others, leading to a culture of self-absorption and emotional detachment.
In our work environments, we are treated as nothing more than cogs in a machine, expected to work tirelessly and without complaint, often for
minimal pay and benefits. We are overworked and underappreciated, with little regard for our physical or emotional well-being. We are replaceable
and expendable, with little job security or protection from exploitation. Even in our treatment of one another on a broader societal level, we have
become callous and indifferent to the suffering of others. We turn a blind eye to the plight of the homeless, the hungry, and the marginalized,
choosing to prioritize our own comfort and convenience over the basic needs of our fellow human beings. We allow wars and conflicts to rage on,
often at the expense of innocent lives, without batting an eye or acknowledging the deep human cost.
The fact that humans have become disposable is a deeply emotional issue, one that speaks to our fundamental need for connection, belonging, and
purpose. It is a reminder that we are not just mere objects to be used and discarded, but living, breathing beings with thoughts, feelings, and
infinite value. As we navigate the complex and often chaotic world around us, it is important to remember that we are all in this together. We
must cultivate empathy, compassion, and a deep sense of responsibility for one another, recognizing that the well-being of each individual is
intrinsically linked to the well-being of the collective. We must strive to create a world in which every human being is valued, respected,
and treated with the dignity and care that they deserve."
Despite this rather gloomy account of current trends in India, it is not all bad news everywhere. The vast majority of the people of every Country on Earth
are law abiding citizens who care about their friends, neighbours and family.
This lifestyle is an immutable part of our psyche, a designed in feature of the human form, courtesy of The Creator.
These caring instincts are surely strong evidence that we were Created by God, the acclaimed source of all love.
We spurn these God given attributes at our peril, and the materialistic World view that stems from unscientific Darwinian Evolution in all its variants
based on survival of the fittest is totally at odds with this way of living, and poses a great threat to its continuance!
The evolutionary 'every man for himself' approach to life does nothing to stop corruption in society in fact encourages its free rein,
and is a far cry from what Jesus taught in Mark 12:30,31:
'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.
'Love your neighbour as yourself'.
there are no greater commandments than these.
What a stark contrast there is between the message of Christianity and that promulgated by Darwinian Evolution.
Truth Matters Conference 2022 : Ken Ham - Genesis 1-11
1. Creation sings the Father's song.
He calls the sun to wake the dawn
And run the course of day
'Til evening falls in crimson rays.
His fingerprints in flakes of snow,
His breath upon this spinning globe;
He charts the eagle's flight;
Commands the newborn baby's cry.
Let all creation stand and sing, "Hallelujah!"
Fill the earth with songs of worship, tell the wonders of creation's King.
2. Creation gazed upon His face;
The ageless One in time's embrace
Unveiled the Father's plan
Of reconciling God to man.
A second Adam walked the earth,
Whose blameless life would break the curse,
Whose death would set us free
To live with Him eternally.
3. Creation longs for His return,
When Christ shall reign upon the earth;
The bitter wars that rage
Are birth pains of a coming age.
When He renews the land and sky,
All heav'n will sing and earth reply
With one resplendent theme:
The glory of our God and King!