Precious memories
(last updated: 16th June 2024)


Memory, a vital component of all animal life

We are all aware, thanks to our memory, that it exists in two parts:
a) storage
b) retrieval or recall

Questions that spring to mind:

1) How enduring are memories?
possible answer:
The extent to which we treasure a particular memory is a determining factor here. Unforseen events can jog our memories.
2) Where are memories stored
definite answer:
The only question with an easy answer (the mind).
3) How important is memory. Could we survive without it?
definite answer:
It is indisputable that memory is vital for life's continuance. Without memory we would lose control of our life and flounder about in a sea of fog. We would have no future.
4) Do our memories survive death even if they are not written down?
possible answer:
An interesting question but only God knows the answer. Perhaps our memories accompany our souls after death somehow, after all our memories are a major distinquishing characteristic. No two can be the same. Even twins experience differences?
5) Does God have access to our memory. Did He instal information their in advance of birth.
possible answer:
There is no evidence that God directly interferes with our memories after birth, but we all seem to be instinctively aware of the likely existence of a higher authority, although many challenge this notion once thay reach adulthood.
6) Do we have limited or unlimited memory capacity and brain functionality?
possible answer:
There must be a limit but it far surpasses the needs for our survival.
answer from an Internet source:
'A single byte comprises 8 bits, and the human brain can store more than one quadrillion bytes of data - a petabyte. As mentioned in an article in Scientific American, the memory capacity of a human brain was testified to have equal to 2.5 petabytes of memory capacity.'
A petabyte is equal to 1,000,000,000,000,000 bytes of data. A byte stores one character, e.g. the letter A for example
To put this into perspective a laptop computer could have as much as 32 GB (32,000,000,000) bytes of RAM, a mobile phone 1 terabyte (TB) or 1,000,000,000,000 bytes. This means that the potential storage capability of a single human brain is 1 thousand times that of a powerful phone. To further illustrate there are roughly 809,000 letters in the original King James Version of the Bible, therefore the human brain can theoretically store 1,236,093,943 books of information the size of the Bible. We do not recommend you put this to the test as the effort of recall could be challenging! Of course much of the information stored in the brain exists in the form of images. Quite how the brain assembles the images into meaningful objects such as letters of the alphabet, or a persons face, is a mystery. There are many mysteries concerning brain function, for example, how does the brain provide us with mathematical skill? The brain has been described as the most complex structure in the known Universe. Is there any evidence for the huge capacity of the brain other than the proclamations of scientists? Committing things to memory can be a daunting tasks (ask students preparing for exams) yet we continuously record images of scenes around us with effortless ease and recall them in an instant. This surely is evidence of the almost limitless power of the human mind and of the work of a Creator with immense power. It is crazy for atheists and like minded individuals to suggest this enormous complexity emerged by random chance processes acting over long ages. Only a supreme intellect could have masterminded this and we know who the greatest miracle worker of all time is. Although the workings of the brain are a complete mystery we are able to operate it with ease and know for certain that it doesn't rely on ASCII code (American Standard Code for Information Interexchange) to perform any of its functions as modern computers do.

The Staggering Complexity of the Human Brain

7) How important are shared memories?
definite answer:
Essential for social cohesion especially amongst family members. We all have fond memories of events in the past.
8) What part do photographs and other stored images play in our desire to hold on to precious memories?
definite answer:
They help us to recall more vividly treasured events that took place earlier on in our lives. The fact that an ever growing number of billions of personal photographs exist on the Internet is proof positive that we have come to depend on these stored images that could theoretically survive for ever. We die but our photographs live on!
9) What part did evolution play in developing the memory function in animals and human beings?
definite answer:
We suggest none at all. Each animal kind including human beings was created with a brain with sufficient memory capacity and functionality to satisfy its every need lifelong.
10) Why would a designing God provide us with memory?
definite answer:
We couldn't function without one and it had to be there from the very beginning. The existence of memory is surely one of the greatest arguments for design.
11) Does memory confer a selective advantage in creatures therefore be a driver of evolution?
possible answer:
There is no evidence to suggest more advanced forms of life came into existence through ever improving brain capacity. Each creature has a unique memory requirement to enable it to perform and survive in its environment.
12) Are human beings monkeys with improved memory capability?
definite answer:
No. Human beings are not generally seen swinging from trees and when this is occasionlly witnessed the performer usually ends up with broken bones.
13) To what extent does existence of the memory function in all animals lend credence to the argument from design?
definite answer:
It is a powerful argument for design. God clearly must have a memory and the Bible claims we were made in His image. The brain of every animal perfectly provides the functionality needed to enable it to thrive in its environment. There is no evidence that memory capability is increasing or improving in any of Earth's life forms. The capacity was placed there at the outset and is a constant and wondrous feature of all life.


The Glory of God's Creation

1. Creation sings the Father's song.
He calls the sun to wake the dawn
And run the course of day
'Til evening falls in crimson rays.
His fingerprints in flakes of snow,
His breath upon this spinning globe;
He charts the eagle's flight;
Commands the newborn baby's cry.

Let all creation stand and sing, "Hallelujah!"
Fill the earth with songs of worship, tell the wonders of creation's King.

2. Creation gazed upon His face;
The ageless One in time's embrace
Unveiled the Father's plan
Of reconciling God to man.
A second Adam walked the earth,
Whose blameless life would break the curse,
Whose death would set us free
To live with Him eternally.

3. Creation longs for His return,
When Christ shall reign upon the earth;
The bitter wars that rage
Are birth pains of a coming age.
When He renews the land and sky,
All heav'n will sing and earth reply
With one resplendent theme:
The glory of our God and King!

Creation sings the Father's song

Words and Music: Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty and Stuart Townend