What manner of Man is this
(last updated: 14th November 2023)


We have decided to present this brilliant and challenging article by Joan Rosevear of the Creation Science Movement (CSM), Portsmouth, because it succinctly sums up what we believe, as she stands firm on the written word in the Bible:

"'What manner of Man is this that even the winds and the sea obey Him?'. Matthew 8:27

Whatever is the matter with these creationists, you ask. You go on to declare: I believe in the Jesus who came as a babe to Bethlehem; who grew up in Nazareth where they tried to kill Him; who went about doing good but at the end of a three year ministry they hanged on the cross. You add that you have assented that His blood shed has wiped your slate of wrong doing: oh, and He rose from the dead. Isn't that enough you ask.

No, it is not. It is only half the story. Your mental assent may not mean that you appreciate that extra dimension. The Lord Jesus Christ, the second Person of the Trinity, was in on the Creation of this Planet. He was there before it all happened (John 17).

May I tell you a true story? More than 90 years ago some eminent men, Douglas Dewar, Auditor General of India, Sir Ambrose Fleming, inventor of the thermionic radio valve and Hilaire Belloc, poet, among others met in The Strand, London. Each one was alarmed by the effect of evolution theory being put out wholesale on the media. The young were being taught that they came here by random chance, which led to their questioning the lively oracles of God which starts at Genesis. Every important subject is dealt with in Genesis, not least the question of how we all got here, by the Lord God Himself in the first chapter.

Incidentally the significance and magnificence of that Creation the Lord dwells on in Job 38: everything perfect down to the minutest detail such as we are only now beginning to discover.

In John 17, the Lord Jesus' High Priestly prayer refers to this time. Even before the Creation He was there, the Creator with God the Father and the Holy Spirit. This adds a stunning new dimension to the Lord Jesus Christ. He had unimaginable power and glory at the creation of this world and the universe. We have all of us underestimated that One who came from all that glory to Bethlehem.

The fact that He described His work of creating the world as being "very good" underlines His own perfection; i.e. His holiness which we all think we know about and probably know nothing about! That quality of being is what Adam and Eve challenged when they chose to disobey. Their confrontation with the holiness of the Lord God twisted them and their family all the way down to our own day. Here on earth the holiness of the Lord Jesus aroused murderous hatred: yet He set His face like a flint to get the job done. He knew they would hang Him on a tree with the utmost cruelty. It happened and He dismissed His spirit and descended into Hell to proclaim His victory. He rose triumphant on the third day. This God Man - Creator, Redeemer - is worthy of so much more than mental assent. The Creator of all the beauty we see around us is the One who came into this spoiled world - yes, the fall really happened after the perfect Creation - and chose to die on our behalf. Wow! What kind of love is His? Are we on fire for Him?

You will see that we need the first chapters of Genesis to find out who the babe at Bethlehem really is.

For over nine decades Creation Science Movement has been sounding out a serious warning regarding the atheist evolution theory. The constant brainwashing from the education system and the media leads to unbelief in the Lord and His Scriptures.

There are so many facts confirming that only the Creator could have set this world rolling, and you will learn about these when you subscribe to CSM, the Creation Science Movement. Hundreds across the globe have joined to spread this knowledge discovered by scientists from biology, genetics, geology, and many other fields of study. CSM needs you too. In the quarterly mailing our journal gives information on the latest findings, together with a new pamphlet on some particular aspect. There are hundreds of back numbers of pamphlets available, as well as books and DVDs to purchase. You may be interested to know that about 30 UK universities have invited CSM speakers to lectures and debates, as well as hundreds of schools, churches and public halls. We have taken the message to five continents over the years and seen creationist organisations being set up in many countries.

The pictograms of Chinese writings tell many of the stories of Creation, the Fall and the wordwide flood in the days of Noah. Former communist countries like Romania, Poland, even Moscow, have invited us. Yet sadly, while British churches preach the Gospel as demanded, they shy away from attacking evolution theory. Yet redemption requires the Fall of Genesis 3, which in turn needs the Creation of Genesis 1. The fossils are best explained by the flood of Genesis 6-8. Don't miss out. Join CSM and learn how to counter the devious arguments of evolutionists with true science."

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We hope you will agree with us that Joan Rosevear has expressed in clear terms the failings of humanity to accept the full account in the Bible of the role Jesus played in the Creation of the Universe, and to properly honour Him as He deserves.