Churchgoers page
(last updated: 8th July 2024)


The purpose of this page

Our website as you may have already gathered concentrates mainly on arguing the case for Intelligent Design (ID) as a scientific explanation for the origin of life on our planet. We have almost exclusively targeted the clergy in our campaign to raise awareness trusting that they would assist us by communicating the message from ID to their parishioners. The majority have shown a marked reluctance to embark on any such journey, so we may explore other ways to contact you directly believing that the message from ID is the best piece of news that anyone could possibly wish to convey. Atheists may not see it this way but we would anticipate that Christians would be delighted to receive confirmation that,
(a) God does indeed exist, and,
(b) He is the Creator described in Genesis.
Please be kind if you decide to raise the issue with the leader of your Church because the official line of most Christian denominations is Theistic Evolution which is a far cry from Creationism as our website explains in detail. The priesthood probably fear they would face humiliation if they were to publicly announce support for the Creationist viewpoint, even though it is the correct one, because those opposed to the Bible are vociferous in their opposition to it. Arguing the case for a Creator God in line with Genesis based on ID is challenging even for those with scientific acumen so expecting the clergy to carry this out is asking a lot. We suggest that a member of the congregation is found with a scientific background, or an outside speaker is engaged. We also suspect that most members of the clergy are believers in a Creator God but avoid broaching the subject with parishioners for fear of courting controversy or failing to communicate the message adequately.


So what can be done to help promulgate the good news?

One course of action might be to challenge your Vicar in private by asking him what his views on the subject are, and if he believes in the message from ID why he is not placing Genesis firmly back on the agenda.
We would recommend that you spend some considerable time convincing yourself that the case we are making is a sound one before embarking on such a course. There is no need to delve too deeply into the science by reading all of our extensive summaries, or following the many links to articles that back up our claims unless you have the time. Instead you might prefer to view one or two of the excellent YouTube videos featured on our website front page that explain the message from ID, and why it provides concrete evidence for a Creator God in line with what our ancestors have always believed.

Of course it would help enormously if convinced churchgoers were to speak to fellow members of their congregation who might harbour doubts about the revelations from ID. An interesting discussion on this very topic is available on one of our other pages.

Creation Science Movement article


Creationism, the true explanation for our existence

We hope you will conclude, as we have done, that Creationism is the only plausible explanation for the immense complexity discovered in the cells of all living creatures, including in plant life. We should never cease to give thanks to God for His awe inspiring achievments that yielded the remarkable Universe in which we all live.

We hope our website in its attempts to unravel some of the mysteries of life has sparked an interest that will encourage and strengthen you in your journey through life as a Christian. Belief in a Creator provides us with a sense of purpose in life, and a reason for our very existence.

If you would like to help strengthen the faith of others please do send us your testimony and we will be delighted to publish it for you on the website.