The Nonsence of Evolution There are of the order of 10^14 elementary atoms in a human cell, and the order of 7 X 10^27 atoms in the average human body. In all there are trillions of cells in each one of us, 70 trillion according to the above figures. (a trillion is 10^12 or 1,000,000,000,000). Atoms, such as carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, etc are combined to form hugely complex protein molecules by ribosomes (cellular machines operating in our cells) using combinations of 20 different amino acids constructed from these atoms. A typical protein will contain 400 plus amino acids. Valine is a typical amino acid (formula C5H11NO2) containing 19 atoms and we are unable to make it from raw materials in a laboratory. So we cannot even construct a basic building block of the human genome. Creating a functional protein is even more difficult: 'The problem is that the function of a protein is determined by its three-dimensional (3D) structure, which in turn is the result on the physicochemical interactions of its different aminoacids (the "bricks" that form the protein). And to predict the combination of amino acids that will give origin to the 3D structure that have the function we want has proved, so far, too difficult.' It is estimated that somewhere in the region of 20 thousand different proteins are needed to maintain the human body. Despite these scientific facts evolutionists in their wisdom claim that living cells in all their huge complexity constructed themselves from basic raw materials (simple atoms) without any intelligent input over billions of years, suggesting that randomness, the hallmark of evolution constitutes some form of supreme intellect! This is complete and utter nonsense of the highest order and is being fed to our students by atheist leaning scientists hell-bent on removing God from the equation. Anyone with a modicum of common sense can see this has no basis in science. It is true to say that evolutionists are not claiming atoms themselves evolved to become more complex, instead that they came into existence from nothing during the 'big bang', or shortly afterwards, yet more complete nonsense in another desperate attempt to eliminate God. The known universe is estimated to contains a mere 10^82 atoms ranging from the simplest hydrogen (atomic mass 1) to the most complex Lawrencium (atomic mass 262), all materialising from nothing, Wow! Every aspect of our Universe shouts 'Design'. Yes, we can create new inorganic molecules, and some organic ones from existing ones via chemical reactions in a laboratory but this is only possible because of their clever design and our accumulated knowledge. We cannot build the parts that atoms are constructed from, namely, electrons, neutrons, protons, etc. We don't have a clue as to how they came into existence other than to invoke the 'big bang' get-out fiddle. The only plausible explanation is that an intellect far beyond our own built the known Universe with all its constituent parts. This achievment should leave us in awe of Him and accept that He is able to perform miracles, frequently demonstrated during His time on Earth, rather than endlessly searching for new, implausible, ways to erase Him from history. Their seems to be an understanding within sections of the scientific community that the public suffer from extreme gullibility when it comes to proclamations of a scientific nature and can therefore be fooled into believing anything uttered from their lips, especially if they keep reiterating it in the press and on TV. The advent of Darwinism and how it has taken over as the world view bears testimony to this. Darwin famously wrote in the Origin of Species: "If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous successive slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down." Darwin threw down the gauntlet to scientists who doubted his theory. Scientists are now able to explore in detail the structures that actually reside inside living cells and the indisputable fact is that they could not have emerged via unguided random mutations over long ages. Microbes to man ideology has been firmly put to rest. This is because the incredible complexity found inside all living cells speaks 'design'. Randomness only yields more randomless and could never lead to a functional organism. Knowing what was known then (cells are just blobs of jelly like protoplasm) his theory was not an ureasonable one to promulgate. However there is a case for thanking Darwin for his honesty, that has not been replicated by many in the scientific community today. He undoubtedly kick-started research leading to the theory of intelligent design that refutes the evolution based model. Was he therefore, unbeknown to him, carrying out God's wishes? Darwin has helped lead society to the truth, so perhaps we should be eternally grateful for his endeavours. It is somewhat doubtful whether ardent atheist Charles Darwin would be pleased to receive this message in the Heavenly Realm however? I wonder what God made of it all? Top place in paradise or cast into oblivion?
Evolution is not a true scientific theory but a quasi-religious or philosophical worldview because it persists despite the evidence against it.
40 failed predictions of Evolution
Astronomy Magazine: Big Bang in Crisis
Convincing evidence for Design from Evolution News
The complexity of cells from Evolution News
Molecular machines from Evolution News