Unearthing the history of human kind, placing a date on artefacts such as wall paintings from the past is problematic,
but what evidence there is suggests that early man going back thousands of years was as versatile, intelligent and capable
then as now.
Evidence for early man's artistic talents can be found in the cave of Altamira in Northern Spain. The age of the site
is open to dispute since it is based, at least partly, on unreliable radiometric dating. That it is the work
of early man dating back thousands of years is not generally disputed.
Learn more: Ancient art
Cleopatra is another example to illustrate that humanity was not lacking in intellect in ages past. Cleopatra VII
wielded leadership that transcended mere governance, embodying a blend of intellect, charisma, and strategic prowess.
Born in 69 BC she could be called one of the greatest intellectuals of her times. Apart from languages, she studied geography,
history, astronomy, international diplomacy, mathematics, alchemy, medicine, zoology, economics and more.
Learn more: Ancient culture
There is no reason to think our distant ancestors had less intellectual capacity or physical prowess in the dim and distant past,
than now.
Our genome was in its infancy then therefore suffered from none of the defects found today caused by cell replications
giving rise to accumulating copying errors.
Yes, we have achieved great things in recent times but this is due to increased education slowly adding to our list
of talents not to increased intellectual ability. We have not evolved
to become more and more intelligent which begs the question, 'what part did natural selection, a main driver of evolution, play in
the story of our past?'. On the assumption that our intellect, therefore perhaps our ability to survive
has improved via evolution to its current state what brought about this development? Increasing mathematical ability,
musical skill, appreciation of art, language capability for example, hardly conferred a survival advantage on early cave dwelling
man, or to monkeys assuming we originated from them, which we didn't! There is no evidence to suggest new generations of people
are becoming more adept in any of these areas of endeavour. It cannot be claimed that pupils in schools as a whole are becoming
more gifted with the passage of time. Physical achievements such as the time to complete a marathon run has improved in recent
times, but I doubt if anyone would claim this is evolution in action as it is accomplished by better training, food supplement, etc.
A conclusion that can reasonably
be deduced from this observation is that human history extends back over a relatively short period of time consistent with the
Bible account. There is no reason to invoke long ages as our unique inbuilt cognitive ability, physical stamina, etc., was
apparent from the very beginning. Any differences over time are between individuals.
Human attributes didn't evolve over long ages to improve our survivability since they could give no meaningful selective
advantage, and it is difficult to believe they just popped into existence from nowhere as some would nodoubt have us believe.
Human nature is such that it tends to help and encourage the disadvantaged (neglecting Nazi ideology) which acts in opposition
to survival of the fittest concepts.
On-going mutations are not the answer since we now know they serve to damage the genome often causing diseases, or
deplete future survivability capability built into the genome by The Creator. At best mutations can be neutral or damage free,
conferring no selective advantage.
An alternative reasoning is that evolution via natural selection explains developments in the distant past but
the process stopped at some point, say, 250,000 years ago so it is not visible today and never will be again!
Extrapolating this idea to a logical conclusion points to the argument from design, where all major life forms emerged at once.
i.e. Creationism. Any changes since then have only yielded variations on Created kinds.
This leads to the correct answer
of course that all of life came into existence a mere 6 or 7 thousand years ago fully developed in accordance with God's word
solving all of these intractable conundrums. Any changes after that were variations within a Kind.
Looking at other creatures, for example,
the behaviour of a tiger, or any member of the predator cat family, there is no evidence that these species are more adept
now than thousands of years ago at catching their prey? Surely that skill was there from the very beginning and the only slight
variation is from animal to animal, yet you might expect this trait to be a driver of evolution building ever increasing predator
success rates.
Perhaps deer, for example, could run less fast in the past therefore the tiger also running more slowly could still catch its prey.
As the deer increased its speed and stamina over time the tiger kept pace.
This kind of change does not illustrate Neo-Darwinism in action which requires one animal type to
morph into another with radically different characteristics?
Natural selection is all about survival of the
fittest but there has to be a limit to improvements of this type owing to the inherent frailties of living tissue. Regardless
of the extent to which these changes have taken place they do not amount to macroevolution, the hallmark of
Neo-Darwinism, where simpler life forms became ever more complex over vast aeons of time.
Thanks to recent discoveries emerging from the science of molecular biology we now know that life was designed by a supreme intellect
ruling out any explanation based on Darwin's Theory of Evolution which relies on unguided random mutations acting over
billions of years to produce new and more varied/advanced life forms.
Darwinian Evolution is a theory in crisis with
little or no convincing evidence to support it, and as for microbes to man evolution (macroevolution) this is pure fantasy
of the highest degree.
The Glory of God's Creation
1. Creation sings the Father's song.
He calls the sun to wake the dawn
And run the course of day
'Til evening falls in crimson rays.
His fingerprints in flakes of snow,
His breath upon this spinning globe;
He charts the eagle's flight;
Commands the newborn baby's cry.
Let all creation stand and sing, "Hallelujah!"
Fill the earth with songs of worship, tell the wonders of creation's King.
2. Creation gazed upon His face;
The ageless One in time's embrace
Unveiled the Father's plan
Of reconciling God to man.
A second Adam walked the earth,
Whose blameless life would break the curse,
Whose death would set us free
To live with Him eternally.
3. Creation longs for His return,
When Christ shall reign upon the earth;
The bitter wars that rage
Are birth pains of a coming age.
When He renews the land and sky,
All heav'n will sing and earth reply
With one resplendent theme:
The glory of our God and King!