The ID dilemma
(last updated: 21st February 2024)


Prior to the publication of 'The Origin of Species' on 24th November 1859

The general public wholeheartedly believed in a Creator God. There was no hard scientific or other evidence to uphold their belief other than the words present in the Bible, so it was down to an act of faith. No one seriously challenged this understanding either. Even without the writings in the Bible, available to only a limited audience, people across the Globe accepted the notion of a Creator God without question. There seemed to be no other plausible explanation for the existence of the Universe and the amazing diversity of life on the planet.


After publication of 'The Origin of Species'

Over the years following the publication increasing numbers of people began to challenge the old ideas. Atheists in particular siezed on the opportunity to spread Darwin's Gospel as it supported their materialistic Worldview, lending credence as never before to their take on life. At first the Church dismissed the theory because it denigrated the Genesis account undermining God's word but slowly under pressure from, in particular, atheist leaning scientists, they began to fall into line with the new philosophy and eventually dreamt up the notion of Theistic Evolution. This was designed to please everyone including the scientific community and God to a less than generous degree, at least this seemed to be the idea. It has ended up pleasing no one, especially the Creator.

He made the Earth by His power

Dr Mortenson discusses the reasons behind declining faith in America and Worldwide

What did World renowned theologian Billy Graham have to say on the issue of evolution based explanations, including Theistic Evolution?
'Biblical creation is the only answer that has stood the test of time because it is founded on the absolute truth of God's Word that never changes.
This is in contrast to Darwin's book "On the Origin of Species," where more than 800 times he uses expressions as "we infer" and "we may well suppose."
Guided by these flimsy phrases, we are expected to reach the conclusion that man climbed from beasthood and before that, from a single cell, without intervention from God. Upon this frail foundation of supposition and the wild guesses from those who hate the Bible, the theory of evolution was built.'


What do mainstream Churches believe?

1. Today, the Catholic Church supports Theistic Evolution, also known as Evolutionary Creation, although Catholics are free not to believe in any part of evolutionary theory. Catholic schools in the United States and other countries teach evolution as part of their science curriculum.
2. It is difficult to discern what the Church of England's position is on this thorny issue as they seem to prefer to not talk about it, and this of course helps no one.
3. United Methodists: "It's time for people of faith to accept evolution."

All is not lost however. Here is a statement of belief from The Regular Baptist Church of America:
'There is no universally accepted definition of life, but we do know that life comes only from preexisting life and that like produces like. Furthermore, there is no simple form of life. Complex life is as simple as it gets. The DNA information storage system uses a four-letter base alphabet that controls the building, maintaining, reproducing, and differentiating of the cell. This is absolutely astounding. As A. E. Wilder-Smith argues, matter plus energy plus time equals nothing at all, unless there is preexisting information present with its symbols, sequence, syntax, and semantics. This, in turn, requires intelligence and volition. The complexity of the DNA molecule cannot be reconciled with the Darwinian explanation of unguided, chance developments.'

Regular Baptists website

In conclusion the evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins considers Theistic Evolution a superfluous attempt to "smuggle God in by the back door", not a very complementary description, although to say the least, not entirely devoid of truth either. But why pay any attention to him since he is one of the main voices that continue to sow doubts about God's part in Creation in the minds of ordinary people.

The Impossible Problem of the Origin of Life


Escaping from Darwin

The Theory of Evolution has presented the public with a difficult dilemma. Life has become much more challenging for people of all ages and creeds. Prior to Darwin there was no basis for doubting the Creationist viewpoint. Faith in the word of God as expressed in the Bible was wholly sufficient but now people do not know what to believe. Should they trust the Bible account, should they have faith in evolution advocating scientists, or should they take heed of what Intelligent Design experts are now saying? In order to contemplate switching back to belief in a Creator God surely the evidence from ID needs to be examined in detail but this would involve grappling with complex arguments that many people would find difficult to understand, and time consuming to pursue. That is why we have put together this website containing links to scientific articles that provide evidence for our claims, simplified summaries of the arguments made, and high class YouTube videos in support of ID. These enable the layman to get to grips with the issue without having to embark on a degree course in Biology. In reality the latter wouldn't help resolve matters anyway as it would merely indoctrinate participants in evolutionary explanations for life with no attempt made to consider alternatives. Please do contact us if you are puzzled by anything that has been said, and we will try to provide answers. Thank you.

Evidence for ID from Answers in Genesis

The problems with Evolution from Answers in Genesis (excellent)

Video from Answers in Genesis on the fallacies of Evolution

The Creation Science Movement presents: Can Life Arise Spontaneously by Dr David Rosevear?

What The Creation Science Movement is all about