The Climate change debate
(last updated: 5th October 2024)


Climate change and Creation

We hope you will conclude, as we have done, that Creationism is the only plausible explanation for the immense complexity discovered in the cells of all living creatures, including in plant life. We should never cease to give thanks to God for His awe inspiring achievments that yielded the remarkable Universe in which we all live. The jury is out on whether man-made carbon emissions are contributing significantly to climate change, or indeed whether the changes we are seeing are anything more than cyclical events that have occured throughout the history of the Earth since its day of Creation by God. There are many vested interests at work behind these claims and recent investigations have shown that many of them are based on outright lies including from Government ministers. Vice President to Bill Clinton, Al Gore, is renowned for being that great promoter of climate change allegations in the USA and distorted the truth repeatedly throughout his time of office.

Renowned World climate experts McIntyre and McKitrick exposed the deception perpretated by Michael Mann promoter of Anthropogenic (man made) Global Warming (AGW). His views were accepted by the Establishment along with his famous hockey stick deception until reputable scientists exposed his falsified results:

"The dataset used to make this construction contained collation errors, unjustified truncation or extrapolation of source data, obsolete data, incorrect principal component calculations, geographical mislocations and other serious defects. These errors and defects substantially affect the temperature index". After correcting the errors, using the same data set, the reviewers "yielded a Northern Hemisphere temperature index in which the late 20th century is unexceptional compared to the preceding centuries, displaying neither unusually high mean values nor variability."

Despite all this we are guilty of wanton excesses that are damaging our environment, and atmospheric pollutants that are being released in urban areas risk damaging the health of people living there. There is also concern about the emission of the greenhouse gas methane from livestock. New Zealand's Labour Party are threatening to improve their Green Policy credentials by introducing what farmers call the 'Fart Tax' . It does however seem unlikely that God would have designed His planet so carelessly that His Creation could be destroyed at some future point by mankind and animals pumping out greenhouse gases. In a worst case scenario surely He would intervene in some hidden way to protect His Creation? Are such steps already in motion perhaps to reduce, for example, the size of the human population? An even greater question is whether any steps are actually needed to prevent a climate catastrophe!

To read more about the climate change debacle the book, 'Scared to Death' by Christopher Booker and Richard North casts much light on the issues surrounding climate change, and other scare stories that have, and still are, unnecessarily costing the tax payer billions of pounds. 'Scared to Death' is an honest investigation using indisputable, up-front, data into the allegations surrounding several issues that have emerged in recent times that have been ramped up by scientists and politicians with vested interests. It casts considerable doubt on the claims of climate activists, for example. Our readers might be interested to discover that by far the biggest influencer of Global warming, or cooling, is sunspot activity, and therefore human generated carbon emissions play only a secondary role. This is born out not least by the high correlation discovered between the amount of sunspot activity and surface temperatures over many centuries. This direct correlation has now been acknowledged by leading scientists, but their findings will of course be dismissed by climate activists who harbour a hidden political agenda. Scientists who have forged their careers on the drive to cut carbon emissions may also strive to disregard arguments based on sunspot activity.

It is interesting to ponder why God Created our planet to experience periods of warming and cooling under the influence of the sun in the first place? An extreme, prolonged, cooling event can lead to an ice age, but there are smaller cooling, also warming, events that last only a few years (e.g. 11/12 years). One can only conclude that God designed in this complex feature of our Solar System (magnetic fields generating sunspots) to prevent the temperature on our planet rising too high, or falling too low, to sustain life. This delicate balancing act is further proof, if any were needed, that The Creator has talents far surpassing those possessed by man, and that He cares about the future of the planet and the well being of all living creatures. The number of sunspots seen over any 11 year solar cycle has varied enormously throughout history ranging from a few hundred to many thousands. Magnetic fields propel gas particles leaving the sun's surface generating solar winds that give rise to localised cooling on the surface. The cooled areas are the sunspots and are visible to us on Earth. As evidence of the link between solar activity and Earth temperatures the following monitoring website shows a warm period around the year 2000, with colder spells in 2009 and 2020 (high sunspot activity is linked to warmer temperatures, low activity to cooler temperatures). Currently, sunspot activity is rising and we are experiencing warmer weather again. Based on sunspot activity we can expect surface temperatures to rise reaching a peak in 2025 when they will start to decline again.

For those interested in the progress of the solar cycle

For those who wouild like to read the science behind the climate debate

The authors find cosmic ray variations due to changes over solar cycles may have as much as 10 times larger effect than previous studies have estimated. The paper also finds that a tiny 0.2C temperature increase increases the cosmic ray induced cloud condensation nuclei by around 50%, thus acting as a natural homeostatic (self-regulating) mechanism.

Solar wind: A stream of charged particles released from the upper atmosphere of the Sun, called the corona.
Solar radiation: Electromagnetic radiation or solar rays emitted from the sun are the source of light and heat on Earth.
Cosmic rays: cosmic rays are high-energy particles (protons or atomic nuclei) that move through space at nearly the speed of light. They originate from the Sun, from outside of the Solar System in our own galaxy, and from distant galaxies. They play a major part in producing cloud cover which reduces the amount of warming solar radiation reaching the Earth.
Cosmic-ray muons: About 10,000 muons reach every square meter of the earth's surface every minute. These charged atom fragments form as by-products of cosmic rays colliding with molecules in the upper atmosphere. They don't stop until they penetrate far below the surface of the Earth. Fortunately our bodies have been designed by God to withstand this barrage of charged particles so damage to us is rare.

Oh Dear! NASA says Carbon Dioxide is a cooling gas and provides evidence!

More evidence that the greenhouse gas scare is without foundation!

The Climate change hoax, with Professor Willie Soon at Camp Constitution

Clearly there are many interacting complex components influencing Earth's climate. As recently as 1995, Henrik Svensmark discovered a connection between the cosmic ray from space and cloud cover. He found that when the sun is more active - more sunspots, a stronger magnetic field, larger auroras (visible manifestation of solar activity), stronger solar winds, etc. - fewer cosmic rays strike the earth and cloud cover is reduced, resulting in warmer temperatures. Henrik Svensmark is a physicist and professor in the Division of Solar System Physics at the Danish National Space Institute in Copenhagen. His fairly recent discovery goes a long way towards pinpointing the connection between the Solar Cycle and Global warming.

In conclusion, it is an indisputable fact that warming and cooling events have taken place throughout Earth's history so it cannot be the case that extensive man-made carbon emissions are the main cause since they are a relatively recent phenomena. On the other hand the sun came into existence during Creation week and we have no control over how it performs. It remains to be seen whether carbon emissions and other greenhouse gases play a significant part in Global warming, only time and further research will tell.
The latest information from the Met Office for June 2023:
'Provisional figures show the average mean temperature in the UK for June was 15.8 degrees centigrade - the highest it's been since June 1940 and June 1976, when the average temperature was only 14.9. It remains to be seen whether these figures are confirmed by other sources, but it cannot be disputed that Carbon Dioxide, for example, is a greenhouse gas. July 4th 2023.'

It is worth noting that the average temperature in June 1846 was 18.2 degrees centigrade according to the Hadley Centre's Central England Temperature (CET) Series. The June's of 1676, 1762, 1798, 1826 and 1976 were all nearly as hot or hotter than the June 2023 figure. None, apart from 1976, could be attributed to man made carbon emissions.

The final result for 2023 has just been announced (Jan 2024) by the Copernicus Climate Change Service, run by the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts. They have made the following observations:
1) 2023 is confirmed as the warmest calendar year in global temperature data records going back to 1850.
2) 2023 had a global-average temperature of 14.98C, 0.17C higher than the previous highest annual value in 2016.
3) 2023 was 0.60C warmer than the 1991-2020 average and 1.48C warmer than the 1850-1900 pre-industrial level.

How cunning of them to choose the range 1850-1900 because if they had chosen the range 1840-1900 it would probably have been a different conclusion as we can see from the above Hadley Centre record! Of course they might dispute the 1846 figure, however they seem happy to accept official results from 1850 onwards! Climate change parties with an eye on financial incentives are proven masters at manipulating the records and hiding data that conflicts with theirs.
Clearly we cannot trust the claims of climate activists, and they will stop at nothing in their attempts to fool what they perceive as a gullible public into accepting their ideology. Evidence will be distorted in order to convince us we are entering a climate emergency.

We believe God will have put in place systems to balance out any adverse effects caused by human excesses. The Earth has been designed to adjust to such effects. e.g. increased growth of flora, absorption by the worlds oceans and lakes, increased rainfall, etc. 71 percent of the Earth is water covered, and 32 percent of the Earths surface is covered by foliage. The rainfall was only 68% of what would be expected in June 2023. However, we have all witnessed recently this has been offset by a huge increase in rainfall in the latter part of 2023 and early 2024 in parts of the West, with extreme weather conditions elsewhere. To herald the greatly increased rainfall as proof of an approaching runaway greenhouse catastrophe when it is nothing more than fully functional built in climate controls kicking in is inexcusable, and shows the ignorance behind the climate activists claims.

We are again experiencing the El Nino ocean warming climate pattern which affects weather all over the World. The rare coming together of high sunspot activity, low rainfall in combination with an El Nino event undoubtedly played a large part in causing the unusually high June temperatures. Major El Nino warming events occur only about once every 7 years and tend to last less than a year.
It is claimed there exists strong evidence, not disputed by secular geologists, that in order to account for the Earth's huge coal deposits ancient carbon dioxide levels were 15 times higher than they are now. (Plants absorb CO2 to produce the raw material for coal) This they claim occured during the Paleozoic Era a period beginning 538.8 million years ago. There is no evidence of a runaway greenhouse effect occuring during this time however, casting severe doubt on claims that we have out of control Global warming today with much lower carbon dioxide levels. Of course we dispute the long ages argument anyway but it is further evidence that the climate debate is in disarray. We believe the vast coal deposits are the result of the Noah flood which buried huge quantities of vegetation over a very short period of time in the relatively recent past. In conclusion, the evidence with so many conflicting arguments and influences operating at this time is simply not there that high June 2023 average temperatures were caused by man-made carbon emissions.

Climate Change (Delayed start (approx 1 minute) then click: Stewardship of the climate discussion)

The above is over an hour long and there is a lot to take on board. One of the most significant points covered is the parallel between the ways creation scientists and climate scientists have been treated. Both have been persecuted by being threatened with demotion, or losing their jobs, for not accepting the current orthodoxy. Hundreds of peer reviewed papers written by climate scientists in recent years have cast severe doubt on the claims of the eco warriors who blame carbon emissions for rising temperatures, but the experts views are roundly ignored. Their stance is at best born of ignorance, at worst leads to, ostracizing, and bullying in the work place. They are certainly not listening to the science, instead stifle dissent and debate. In addition the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and its cohorts operate with faulty climate models, are accused of massaging and falsifying the data, removing higher recorded temperature readings from the past, and as a result delivering grossly unreliable and overstated predictions about the future.

Carbon sinks:
'The ocean is one of the world's largest 'carbon sinks', absorbing around 25% of all CO2 emissions. However, new evidence suggests this figure could be even higher. The ocean absorbs about 30% of the carbon dioxide (CO2) that is released in the atmosphere. As levels of atmospheric CO2 increase from human activity such as burning fossil fuels and changing land use, the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by the ocean also increases. The ocean absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere wherever air meets water.'

Here are some facts about global warming that are not disputed:

1) Water vapour is the major greenhouse gas, accounting for 95% of global warming.
2) We would be 60 degrees colder without greenhouse gases.
3) Carbon dioxide is a minor greenhouse gas.

We can be fully confident that the naturally occuring climate defences, put in place by Almighty God, will be more than sufficient to prevent anything approaching a climate catastrophe!

Another important factor influencing temperature at different locations on the Earth is the 'Jet Stream':
'Jet streams change position, location, and strength depending on the season. In the winter, areas in the Northern Hemisphere may get colder than in other periods as the jet stream dips "lower," bringing cold air in from the polar regions'.

Jet Stream impact

Clearly there is much uncertainty amongst scientists on the issues of climate change with so many complex factors involved. There is however every reason to believe that the many and varied interacting climate controls established by God are sufficient in themselves to balance out any damaging effects caused by man made pollutants. God would not allow human beings by wanton excesses to destroy His planet, teaming with the enormous variety of innocent life forms He placed there. We can have confidence that our planet is fully protected, and safe in His hands.

Read what trustworthy experts have to say about climate change

What does 'Christian Voice' have to say about climate change?

What does King Charles have to say about climate change?

There is no excuse however for the way human beings are increasingly and ceaselessly exploiting the natural resources He placed on Earth for our benefit with little or no regard for the consequences. The prevailing attitude seems to be that we will leave it to future generations to sort out the mess.

Bible Verses About Protecting the Environment

Why using Lithium batteries to reduce carbon emissions is a bad idea

Jacinda Ardern using the climate change conundrum as a tool for self promotion

and finally a brilliant and truthful summary of the current situation (October 2024) across the Globe:
The truth about anthropogenic (caused by human activity) global warming by Dr Don Batten

One of many extracts from Dr Batten's global warming report that pours cold water on climate disaster proclamations:
"Data tampering was also exposed with the UK's climate research unit at East Anglia University. The 'Climategate' affair broke shortly before the UN climate summit in 2009. The leak of thousands of emails between climate scientists showed that they had deliberately manipulated and hidden data. This is critically important as it impinges upon the integrity of the HadCRUT64 dataset that is the main long-term global temperature record used by the IPCC and many researchers (e.g. Figure 1). Indeed, an independent audit of HadCRUT4 (2018) found very serious errors."
Hadcrut: Hadley Centre of the UK Met Office and the land surface air temperature records compiled by the Climatic Research Unit of the University of East Anglia.

Rampant fraud in science grows by Jerry Bergman, Ph.D., Biology:
"Scientific misconduct, bias, and outright fraud cause major problems in all areas of science. This is especially a problem in papers supporting evolution. At the least, this problem should be widely known by creation supporters who tend to too uncritically accept much work done by Darwinists. This caution includes myself. In the past I have uncritically repeated the results of what appeared to be well-documented material by reputable scientists. For one example, I have relied on many papers by Harvard paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould, but later learned he was found to engage in 'apparently fudging data in order to be able to accuse someone else of fudging data.'" full article:
10,000 papers pulled for fraudulent practices in 2023

One thing that is certain is that Ed Miliband's proposals to carpet the Country with 750 square miles of solar panels and oversee a huge increase in land based wind farms by 2035 is outrageous. He and Keir Starmer are living in cloud cuckoo land if they think they can produce a carbon-free and energy-secure Nation without a huge cost to the British taxpayer by the early 2030's. The rest of the World will give up on us when they realise how obsessed we have become about green energy. China and India will be laughing all the way to the bank as they unremittingly pump out vast quantities of green house gases undeterred by our pathetic gesturing. Setting an example to other Countries will not result in them following suit. They may talk the talk but they wont act because it will not be in their best interest to do so.

There is no uncertainty when it comes to the issue of how life originated on our planet. Trustworthy research in molecular biology articulated on our other pages provides proof of intelligent design in nature ruling out evolution based ideology reliant on dishonest or at least unreliable, distorted and misleading so-called evidence. The climate conundrum is still under investigation by scientists but their announcements and conclusions need to be very carefully scrutinized, whilst evidence pointing to how life originated is now well established, leading to the rock solid conclusion that we have a Creator God.

We hope our website in its attempts to unravel some of the mysteries of life has sparked an interest that will encourage and strengthen you in your journey through life as a Christian. Belief in a Creator provides us with a sense of purpose in life, and a reason for our very existence.

If you would like to help strengthen the faith of others please do send us your testimony and we will be delighted to publish it for you on the website.