Brief summary of site contents
(last updated: 9th May 2024)


What we are all about in a nutshell

Apart from offering free deposition of testimonies we are all about making a case for Creationism based on leading edge science. We have put together this compendium of articles on life's origin in the hope that it will stir Church Leaders and ultimately the public at large into reconsidering their position on Darwin's theory of evolution now that the evidence is so heavily stacked against it. Our worthy aim has generated a lot of reading material because of its complex nature but we can very easily submit a summary of the situation as things stand.

There are only 2 plausible explanations for life's origin, and a 3rd implausible one that is bound to come to the fore sooner or later:

-> Evolution based ideology which includes Theistic Evolution.

-> Creationism as laid down in the Bible.

-> Aliens from another World were the culprits.

There is growing evidence that Evolution based explanations are unsustainable on multiple fronts. (copious evidence presented on our more detailed pages)

Once evolution based ideology has finally been put to rest it will only be a matter of time before an atheist leaning scientist out to make a name for him or her self will devise an alternative cock and bull story which gullible members of the public, and possibly members of the clergy, are obliged to swallow hook, line and sinker:

'A large spacecraft arrived from a far distant planet 4.5 billion years ago shaped like a flying saucer but with the capacity of Noah's Ark and generously deposited two of each kind including humanoids onto planet Earth, and then went back the way it came never to return'.

This ingenious figment of the imagination would again eliminate God from the equation to the delight of many, but this time achieving it by not having to invoke Darwin's discredited theory. I do trust this won't give anyone ideas!

Returning to Earth, research in a number of disciplines that examine the structure of living cells determines beyond all reasonable doubt that because of their hugely complex design an intellect was responsible for their construction. An intellect far beyond the capability of any human being that has ever existed, or will ever exist in the future. The enormous information content within DNA is transmitted from one generation to the next so that living things reproduce 'after their kinds' (the phrase that was used 10 times in Genesis 1). Dawkins himself stated there is enough information capacity in a single human cell to store the Encyclopaedia Britannica, all 30 volumes of it, 3 or 4 times over! (there are 15 trillion cells comprising 200 different types in the human body). It is important at this stage to make clear that we are not claiming 'Intelligent Design (ID) science' and 'Creationism' are the same thing. ID is the theory that life, or the universe, cannot have arisen by chance and was designed and created by some 'intelligent entity'. Creationism on the other hand is the belief that the universe and living organisms originate from specific acts of divine creation, as in the biblical account, rather than by natural processes such as evolution. We have chosen to believe that the 'intelligent entity' in ID is none other than the Divine Creator in the Bible. What do you think? If we are correct, this must surely be very welcome news for believers everywhere.

Oxford Mathematician DESTROYS Atheism

The Complexity of Human DNA Destroys Evolution

For those who do not have the time to explore our website in more detail we invite you to view a sequence of short videos about the amazing hidden world within all living cells. Renowned biochemist Michael Behe takes you on a journey of discovery that will surely open your eyes to the beauty of nature. He makes no claim as to who, or what, is at the heart of the design seen in nature other than to say that a super intelligent mind lies behind it all. He leaves it to us to decide the source of that super intellect. We believe the designer and engineer was our Almighty God. What do you think?

So what is Intelligent Design?

Seven short videos by Michael Behe which completely demolish Darwin's theory of evolution.

The sacred cows of evolution: the peppered moth

An excellent critique of Darwin's Theory of Evolution by the expert Dr Don Batten

YouTube video with the expert Dr Don Batten discussing problems with mutations and natural selection general resource

Further resources

Antony Flew, famous hard-nosed English atheistic philosopher, abandoned atheism because of the weight of evidence from these modern discoveries. He said, "It now seems to me that the findings of more than fifty years of DNA research have provided materials for a new and enormously powerful argument to design." This research, "has shown, by the almost unbelievable complexity of the arrangements which are needed to produce (life), that intelligence must have been involved". Darwin was wrong, but then he had little idea of such things. Darwin embraced materialism as a young man. As such, if he were alive today, he may well be like materialists of today, who are given to "futile thinking" (Romans 1:21-22) - like professor of genetics, Richard Lewontin, who wrote that "materialism is absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door." So, if Darwin were alive today, would he be a Darwinist? Probably-in spite of the evidence.

Why Does the Church Lose Young People?

Finally we appeal to the Church to take up the challenge and present these findings that point to a Creator God to their congregations, and ultimately to the World at large. We have only just been made aware two years after we started out that there is another potential meaning to the phrase 'givemystory' beyond the one intended, which was to provide ordinary people with the opportunity to express their admiration for who God is through their testimonies. We now realise that the chosen nomenclature could alternatively be understood to mean 'give God's story', and in fact this is what we have been doing rather than publishing stories or testimonies from people, because they have not been forthcoming. God does indeed work in mysterious ways his wonders to perform and they largely go unnoticed, including by us in this instance.

* * * Perhaps you would like to help make a difference by offering support to 'The CREATION SCIENCE MOVEMENT (CSM)' based in Portsmouth, England. We have no direct links with them but we are fully in tune with their aims and ambitions. Our campaign started in 2020, whereas the CSM was founded in 1932 as 'The Evolution Protest Movement' by a small group of Christians concerned by the propaganda that was promoting the theory of evolution as if scientifically proven. It has grown in strength over the years but they are struggling to recruit new members especially from younger generations. Membership costs only 10 pounds sterling per annum and for this you will receive free monthly journals that reveal the fallacies that are an inherent part of Evolutionary thinking. The articles are easy to follow, and are written by experts in the field.
Scientists working for the CSM conduct vigorous assessments of articles published, for example in the journal 'New Scientist' which put forward unsubstantiable theories about the Universe and the origin of life which conflict with God's word in the Bible. The articles in the monthly journals, and YouTube videos, are excellent and come highly recommended so why not donate 10 pounds per annum to help the CSM spread the message of Christianity to the world at large? There will be people in your congregation who would happily support the CSM's cause. They are a non-profit organisation trying to improve the facilities in Portsmouth to attract more visitors. They are reluctant to ask for financial support as made clear by the fact that the membership fee is so small.
CSM is currently struggling to keep its operation afloat, and given that their main aim is to promote Christianity to people across the globe it would be very kind and appropriate to draw the attention of congregations to their plight.

'CSM exists to help Christians and non-Christians understand that we live in a created Universe. We believe that the Bible is the revealed word of God and that the teaching in Genesis is accurate. God created the material Universe and then He created organic life, culminating in the creation of mankind. He endowed men and women with souls and gave them free will. This allowed the first humans to go against God's instructions, leading to a fallen world. God sent his son, Jesus Christ, into the world to reunite us with Him. Jesus paid the penalty for man's rebellion and wrongdoing by dying on a Roman cross. We only have to turn to God and ask for forgiveness for Him to accept us.
CSM rejects evolutionary teaching as it is false, misleading and unscientific. We endeavour to present the scientific evidence that shows the truth of God's word, that we live in a universe and world designed and created by God.'

To get an idea of the work they are doing the following YouTube video on the Big Bang theory and other cosmological issues is addressed by Dr David Rosevear. The Big Bang theory and Darwinian Evolution are in tune with one another because they both require long ages: * * *

The Big Bang defined:
It was an event where 'nobody created everything from nothing'. How amazing is that, entirely plausible of course!

The fallacies associated with the Big Bang

The Creation Science Movement based in Portsmouth upholding the truth of the Gospel

15 Reasons to Take Genesis as History


The importance of taking on board the message from ID

The impression we have been given up until now is that whilst the message from ID may be interesting it is not important enough to share with parishioners. If this is the case it is difficult to comprehend, and somewhat disturbing. What can be more important than revealing to people that, contrary to popular belief, the God of the Bible Created life including human beings just as He said He did? Can the Church any longer afford to ignore this crucial part of the Bible given the strong corroborative evidence now available in support of it?
Here is a statement from a scientist at the Creation Science Movement (Portsmouth) about information and genetics:
'Every cell of each plant and animal contains genetic information coded on to the DNA molecule. As a carrier of information, our DNA is 45 million million times more efficient than a mega chip. if all the information in all the World's libraries could be put on to mega chips like the ones found in computers, it would require a pile of chips reaching to the moon. Yet all that information, if placed on DNA, would need only one percent of the volume of a pin-head.'
The capacity of computer memory chips is continually increasing but it will never come close to matching that of the God designed DNA molecule.
The public deserve to know the truth and to date most Church Leaders are steadfastly refusing to do anything about it, or to engage with us, so people continue to think life, including eventually human beings, evolved over billions of years from a prebiotic soup. As a result large swathes of the population understandably believe there is no God, that the alternative religion of Evolution now holds sway! Can the Church in all its conscience allow this sorry state of affairs to continue? A member of the C of E clergy recently included this in his reply to our email:
'Sadly, and shamefully, you are up against a status quo in the hierarchy of the C of E who do not like to rock the consensus boat.'
This lack of courage to speak out the truth, this indifference to the discoveries from ID research, cannot be allowed to continue if the Church is to retain its credibility as God's voice here on Earth. It is only a matter of a relatively short period of time before Neo-Darwinism ceases to be the ruling paradigm, the evidence from leading edge science has become so heavily stacked against it. Regardless of whether our website gets a mention Creationism should become a hot topic of conversation in Churches, not one that is buried in case it might offend Bible hating atheists and secular humanists. 'Creator' is God's defining role for Heaven's sake!

You could argue that we have got it wrong on this occasion, and whilst the clergy hesitate to make a stand most of them are believers in a Creator God. What evidence do we have that this may not be the case? Take a look at the Creation logger on our front page. Despite thousands of visits to our web pages by members of the clergy they have shown marked reluctance to acknowledge that God created human kind. You could argue that this is down to pure laziness on their part, but I don't believe that do you? At best it means church leaders do not know what to think! This doesn't exactly instil confidence in the Churches teaching does it? This indecisiveness is explained at least in part by the indoctrination many in the clergy have been exposed to during their training at Theology College, where Theistic Evolution is widely taught to explain life's origin, rather than Creationism (life having come about through specific acts of Divine Creation). It does not seem to have occured to those promoting God driven evolution, or to those being fed a diet of it, that it is highly unlikely that God, being omniscient (all-knowing) would adopt a mechanism for creating life that would later be used to erase Him from history. Evolution is the touchstone of atheism!

Here is how the Creation Science Movement (CSM) based in Portsmouth, UK expounds Theistic Evolution:
'God may or may not have created the Universe and our planet but human life was not created de novo (from the beginning) by God. In fact God looked on and watched as accidents caused life to evolve. Only when the process had culminated in mankind did God get involved. Thus a whole population was involved in the first sin and the fall of man'.
An Internet source definition: 'The central theological point of theistic evolution is that evolution is how God creates the diversity of species of life on earth.'
This states theistic evolution is a step by step process instigated and overseen by God involving genetic adaptations and natural selection that have led to increasingly more sophisticated forms of life over time. This is in stark contrast to the Bible account of Creation, therefore undermines its authenticity. Also, if this is indeed how God brought life into being why doesn't the Bible say so? It doesn't require a masters degree in molecular biology to understand the mechanics of it? The Bible would need to describe the process along the lines:
In the beginning God said, 'let simple life forms begin to inhabit the Earth, first basic seed-bearing plants then living creatures that over time we will make richer and more varied, eventually leading to man cast in our image. And it was so'.
Theistic Evolution's adaptation of the Bible account will not please God, neither will it satisfy evolutionists who want to eliminate God altogether, and it certainly does not please Christian believers. It is at best a pointless exercise by the Church, at worst a destroyer of people's faith in God.
Futilely rejecting the Genesis account of the Bible casts doubt on the truth of all other passages leading to the decline in religiousness that we are now witnessing.
Many churches including the CofE have clergy who subscribe to this Bible refuting ideology because they were taught it at Bible college. There is no way of determining how prevalent this belief is because it is rarely if ever discussed in ecclesiastical circles, and it is not a conversation the clergy would have with their flock.
Also, increasingly almost any unverifiable theory announced by a scientist that casts doubt on the Creation story, and other parts of the Bible, tends to get accepted by society as Gospel! The Church must challenge these new age ideas by returning to its roots, placing its faith once more in the word of God rather than the ever changing, therefore unreliable, word of man. A robust defence of the Bible is what is needed right now if Christianity is to survive. Contrary to what some might believe such action should also help restore respect for the clergy which has been draining away in recent years due to their reluctance to defend the Bible and Christianity against attacks by atheists.

An exploration of Theistic Evolution

An authority on the issues we are raising has said many people, especially in theological circles, believe the following: 'The Bible is a book of near fiction. They see the Bible stories as attempts by an ancient civilisation to rationalise their religious beliefs, to create a view of the world designed to keep the population under control, and to maintain cohesion through shared values. The so called creation myth is part of this: the story of Adam and Eve is seen as an attempt to explain the existence of Homo Sapiens in a theistic framework for people with no scientific knowledge.' If there really are members of the clergy who hold these views they should hang their head in shame, and immediately resign from the profession, as they will be holding office under false pretences.

Breathing life into the Creation story ->
(sorry about the belly buttons but authentic images of the famous two are hard to find)

Please use the feedback facility at the bottom of this page to contribute to the origins debate. Without feedback we risk losing focus, and out of ignorance could end up being accused of 'preaching to the converted'.

Research carried out by Brierley Consultancy in the UK, and published in Church Statistics on the decline in Christian belief

Corroborative evidence for Creationism in the miracles of Jesus. (also accessible from our drop down menus)

So are there any consequences if we fail to act? Well, yes there are. Morality is being eroded in society. This is evidenced by increasing violence on our streets. Misogyny is becoming rife; certainly a lack of respect for women is evidenced by attacks on them continually reported in the press. This unacceptable attitude and behaviour is even becoming commonplace amongst our Politicians. We have now (2nd November 2022) been warned by His Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary, Fire and Rescue Services that thousands of corrupt officers have probably slipped through the net, with a culture of misogyny, sexism and predatory behaviour now prevalent in many forces. What has this got to do with the Church you might ask? Well, it is further evidence that the message of Christianity is falling into decline for the simple reason that it is not being heard by an ever increasing proportion of the population. Social media companies have done virtually nothing to limit access to pornography and other undesirable content including information on how to commit suicide, because it would result in lost business. Breakdown in law and order is attributable at least in part to greatly reduced Church attendance. We are here to help the Church dispel doubts in its mind about the Genesis story so that it can move forward with confidence, and place the Genesis account, and other related areas of the Bible, back on the agenda! This change should over time help restore faith, and bring people back into the Churches where they will receive good, Bible based, moral teaching once more. There is a desperate need for it!

Uncommitted Christians causing 'catastrophic decline in biblical worldview in America'

For those who believe the Church does uphold the principles laid down in the Bible we would like to remind them of the pressures being exerted right now on the Church by some of its leaders who are hell-bent on re-writing Gods precepts. As an illustration, the Church of Scotland has a disconnect between its ecclesiastical leaders and its members. The former are not overly bothered by church decline. For them, the church is about politics and power, not size and conversion, or Biblical truth. A similar attitude prevails in other denominations including certain elements of the C of E. I wonder what God thinks of it all?:

Supporting the traditions of the C of E

UK Church Decline and Progressive Ideology

Archbishop of Canterbury affirms trans guidance for children

Returning to our core objective:

The Darwin Dictionary highlighting 40 fallacies of the evolutionary mindset

We would on request put together a framework for an easy to deliver sermon explaining the implications stemming from Intelligent Design (ID) research. The public are constantly cajoled, through repeated exposure to evolutionary thinking in the press and on TV, into believing life evolved over long ages . Being continually fed a diet of Darwinism has severely eroded the Gospel message, and few people take it seriously anymore. The Church is the best placed institution for challening this God denying ideology. We would not charge for this service and would be prepared to adapt it on advice from Churches to more precisely meet requirements. All feedback is welcome.

Information Enigma: Where does information come from?

The Problems With Theistic Evolution

Fascinating video explaining how our cells produce proteins necessary for life

The Human Body's Intelligent Design

White Blood Cell Eats Staphylococcus Aureus Bacteria

Keeping Faith (Sign declaration to reaffirm current teaching on marriage and sexuality)

Western Trojan Horse NGO's are paid to promote warped views of sexuality to African Nations, very much to their consternation

MPs criticise Church of England over stance on same-sex marriage

The Christian Institute provides legal help to a Christian parent governor

You may wonder why we have included links to articles on transgenderism and LGBT rights on our website. Perhaps we should reiterate that the main aim of this website is to encourage the Church in particular to ignore its detractors, return to its roots and give credence once more to much neglected areas of scripture. At the heart of the Bible, the most significant part of it in our opinion, is the Genesis account of Creation. God stated unambiguously that He Created human beings male and female (Adam and Eve) to enable family units to be built, maintained, and thrive producing future generations. Those promoting LGBT ideology in society are acting in opposition to God's wishes, undermining his perfect plan for us. The Bible makes clear in various places in the Bible that homosexual relationships are a perversion, a rejection, of what God intended. Such individuals do not afford Him the honour and respect He deserves for His act of Creation, because if they did they would acknowledge and accept the sex they were born with and live their lives accordingly. Allowing LGBT activists into schools equipped with learning materials for RSE from Stonewall is promoting an anti-Christian creed, and will serve to damage the health and integrity of future generations. Children should not be exposed to LGBT ideology and the authorities permitting these events to take place are clearly driven by anti-Christian attitudes, a practice which poses a serious threat to the well-being of young people in their care.

LGBT Pride: A new religion?

Stephen Green of Christian Voice speaks about LGBT Youth Scotland

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