God cares for you and me
(last updated: 10th August 2024


The evidence

We live in an amazing and beautiful World but many of us barely give a thought to how it all came into existence. We simply take it for granted.
There are basically three types of individual with different viewpoints:
True believers: They believe the Universe came into existence by the will of God, the supreme architect.
Doubters: Some Christians are in this camp and prefer to trust scientists to come up with the answers but continue to accept the Bible account until it is proven wrong, in their opinion, by advances in technology.
Atheists: The Universe popped into existence without help, Divine, or other.

The question that needs answering is:

How can anyone with a modicum of common sense look at the World full of the following wonders and fail to understand that it was constructed for a purpose by a supreme intellect:

The magnificent, rich variety of birds that conquer the air. They are masters of flight, and their plumage is truly remarkable.
A huge and diverse variety of land animals all uniquely designed to thrive in their individual environments which are tuned to perfectly suit their needs.
A huge and diverse variety of sea creatures all fine tuned to thrive in the oceans and rivers of the World which are perfectly designed to accomodate them.
A huge and diverse variety of insects all fine tuned to thrive in environments which are designed with them in mind.
A huge and diverse variety of plants all fine tuned to fit perfectly into their environment which is itself designed to accomodate them.
The Solar System without which we would not, and could not exist.
The immense Universe itself which is an object of profound beauty when surveyed from Earth.
Last but not least human kind given the responsibility for caring for all life on Earth.
Most of the life forms benefit from symbiotic relationships and all are able to adapt easily to environmental changes. God did not Create them to live in isolation, or to succumb when exposed to adverse conditions.

A further reasonable question would be,

Why did God construct the World in the first place with people on board given all the angst we would bring to His table almost from day one? According to Scripture, God created the Universe and all that is in it for His own glory, and because He desired to share His life with others, but many of us do not even acknowledge His existence let alone thank Him for His kindness and extreme generosity!

Yet another question:

Why doesn't God provide humanity with concrete proof of His existence?
Possible answers:
1) Our religious convictions are meant to be faith based. This seems like an entirely reasonable explanation, but there is another one:
2) God is omnibenevolent. He knows that if His existence was proven it would leave many people very anxious about their lives. They would find life challenging because they would know that they were constantly falling short of what God could reasonably expect of them. God amazingly does not want to impose Himself upon us. He wants individuals to feel free to pursue a life of their choosing, whilst hoping that at some stage the truth will dawn upon them and a loving relationship with Him can begin to develop.
3) An easily overlooked point, and one which appears to be completely at odds with answers 1) and 2) is that in our view God has indeed provided us with concrete proof of His existence! God saw that Darwin's Theory of Evolution was undermining faith in Him so He decided to act by providing us with the tools to discover the complexity within living cells. Right-minded individuals realised the implications of these findings but astonishingly humanity at large is not hailing them as proof of God's existence! So in conclusion, He knew there would be individuals who would reject the evidence but His concern was for those who wanted to believe in Him but had their faith undermined by Evolution promoting individuals, the media, etc. God clearly monitors what is going on down here on Earth with the help of His angels (see below), understands and allows for the failings of the pinnacle of His Creation. So Christianity will remain a faith to a lesser or greater degree because there will always be influential individuals around who derive delight in sowing doubts in the minds of fellow human beings in order to propagate their own God denying World view. One wonders what motivates such people? Is it that they passionately believe their view represents the truth, want others to benefit, and are therefore pursuing a noble cause, or is there a hidden motivator behind the scene one who has always successfully operated by stealth.

Yet another question:

Why doesn't God intervene to prevent bad things happening in the lives of all good people?
Possible answer:
Before attempting to provide an answer one needs to reflect on how many people fall into this category Worldwide, and what criteria should be used to select worthy individuals! We would suggest that many thousands of individuals fit the bill at any one time. The kind of bad things would include:
1) Contracting a serious disease such as life limiting cancer.
2) Being involved in a catastrophic accident.
3) Death of a close relative such as a child.
4) Divorce, especially of an acrimonious nature.
5) Attack by a violent criminal on the street.
5) Failure to secure work, or loss of income due to redundancy.
You will be able to think of other terrible experiences.
It is not difficult to arrive at a plausible explanation for God's lack of action. First of all, those involved in such a sad event would not normally give thought to the thousands of other people suffering elsewhere at about the same time; they would be too overwhelmed by their own travails. If God fails to act in their case they may well blame Him, who else is there to blame for their misfortune?
Many would see it as evidence repudiating the existence of God. So, for believers, the God who cares about everyone would be required to not only deal with their desperate situation, but immediately intervene in all of the other cases Worldwide at the same time!
There is a problem if He fully does what is expected of Him! Good people everywhere would be seen to escape such tribulations. How could this be accounted for? Such activity would sooner or later come to the attention of alert and unscrupulous individuals and we would witness the following attention grabbing headlines in the news.
'An unexplained power appears to be intervening to save the lives of righteous people across the Globe'.
Many people would assume the power in question was the God of the Bible, atheists would naturally think otherwise.
So you might wonder what would be the problem if this were to take place?
The answer is very easily elucidated.
Christianity would immediately cease to be a faith. Attempts to exploit the situation would break out remorselessly across the Globe by many in positions of power seeking to increase their influence and authority.
The only answer is for God to attend to the desperate needs of a few individuals. We suggest He does just that and this goes unnoticed. Under the circumstances there are bound to be those who sadly miss out!
In conclusion, it is clear that God is not failing in His duty of care, we just don't give Him any choice!

Psalm 139 Song (You Carry Me)

Those most discerning amongst you may notice that we have made no reference to what in our view is a vitally important component of Creation?

*** A N G E L S ***

Even the Church rarely mentions them and yet arguably they perform the single most important role of all:


So what evidence is there that these so called Guardian Angels even exist? How many of them are there? How do they operate? Why would God Create such spiritual beings? Given that releasing human beings into the World proved problematic, surely issues would arise with the arrival of a population of Angels?

The evidence: Many people throughout human history have testified to experiencing the guiding hand of a spiritual force acting to protect them in dire circumstances. I myself encountered what I believed was a guardian angel when out walking on a foreign holiday. It stopped me from moving along a precarious unbeaten track in a thickly wooded area on a cliff top in territory unknown to me, which with hindsight may have harboured hidden dangers. I instantly knew not to advance further along the path, but it was only afterwards, upon reflection, that I realised what had taken place. The 'being' squatted on the ground immediately in front of me blocking the path ahead, and was immaculately dressed in what I can only describe as Robin Hood attire as it stared straight at me unflinchingly. I have never seen anything like it before or afterwards in my life including on film. Unfortunately I did not have a camera with me and did not have the opportunity to return to the spot at a later time. A possible every day explanation is that it was located there as a warning sign, but why would anyone construct an easily stolen, immaculately designed and dressed object on the path when a simple warning sign would have sufficed?

How many: According to Revelation 5:11 there are millions of Angels at God's behest.

Modus operandi: They Guard and Protect you. They Communicate God's Message. They Observe You. They Encourage You. They Deliver You. They Care For Us At Death.

Opposing forces: Already covered this on one of our other pages:

Satan's greatest ever achievement

6 Ways Angels are Working for You

When were they Created? We do know that according to The Bible God created the angels before He created the physical universe. The book of Job describes the angels worshipping God as He was creating the World.

The provision of Guardian Angels is further proof, if any were needed, that we are God's special Creation and that He cares about us deeply. We should be eternally grateful and join the Angels in offering eternal praise to Him at every opportunity throughout our lives.